I see Batman Arkham City GOTY is on sale on Steam. Is that one objectively better than the others?

  • Homeschooled316
    2 years ago

    Arkham City was for a long while considered the best, but age has arguably been kinder to Asylum (thanks to storytelling) and Knight (thanks to streamlining/modernization).

    I don’t think there is any question on how to answer the literal post, though. If you could only get one of them, it’s Asylum.

    Also, I would not recommend binging these games unless you are REALLY feeling it when you finish Asylum. The chief complaint about them was always that they did not change the formula around enough between games. I have to think playing them back to back exacerbates that.

    • Actually looks like I’ll only be playing through Asylum and City. Bought all three on my Steam Deck, but for some reason Knight is unsupported on there.

      But, I’m happy to start with the original and enjoy it from there!

    • n0stalghia
      2 years ago

      I played Asylum last year for the first time (and haven’t played other games yet). It honestly aged well. Yeah, the graphics look like crap; but the core gameplay, UI, and especially writing/dialogues all hold up.