• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    15 months ago

    This is an infantile understanding of the situation. NATO expansion was the cause of the invasion as even Stoltenberg has now admitted publicly.

    • @lud@lemm.ee
      -25 months ago

      Why did the countries choose to join NATO? Maybe it was because Russia is a threat. A fact that was later proved by the invasion of Ukraine which actually made more countries join NATO.

      • मुक्त
        15 months ago

        Why did the countries choose to join NATO?
        Maybe it was because Russia is a threat. A fact that was later proved by the invasion of Ukraine which actually made more countries join NATO.

        If we are making hypothesis, USA bullying smaller countries into joining its own gang is much more probable. After all, it is not disputed that USA has been bullying everyone into forcing sanctions against Russia and only big countries like India and Germany have been able take a stand against American bullying.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        15 months ago

        Because US has a massive propaganda machine and literally overthrows governments that aren’t compliant. Entire books have been written on this subject, and yet here you are spewing ignorant drivel smugly.

        • @lud@lemm.ee
          -15 months ago

          Russia invaded Ukraine. The USA didn’t. They have also done terrible things but we are discussing the invasion of Ukraine now.

          Just because the USA has overthrown governments doesn’t give Russia any right to invade Ukraine many years later.

          here you are spewing ignorant drivel smugly.

          Ditto. A country which is so afraid of freedoms and rights can’t be trusted. Any reasonable country allows journalists to live.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
            25 months ago

            USA literally published a paper on how they want to goad Russia into a war in Ukraine with the goal of extending Russia https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR3063.html

            USA ran a coup in Ukraine that overthrew a democratically elected government to put a far right regime in place that then committed atrocities against people of Donbas since 2014. I lovew how you ignore all that since it doesn’t fit your infantile narrative.

            Ditto. A country which is so afraid of freedoms and rights can’t be trusted. Any reasonable country allows journalists to live.

            I never said I trust the US regime or their media.