My big stack of cartridge razor blades has just run out and I’d like to replace it with something less wastefull, and from what I hear a safety razor gives a better shave too.

From what I can see there’s no big difference beyond personal preferance on ergonomics, but are there any brands to avoid? Any well regarded? Can I just get anything? Anything I might not have thought about?

  • Annoyed_🦀 A
    210 months ago

    I used a brandless, cheapest one that i found and honestly the shaving experience is comparable with those Gillette 3 blade fancy mancy shaver, but with a fraction of the cost. Definite recommend the swap.

    • bigbluealienOP
      210 months ago

      Oh Gillette’s got far fancier, I’m sure they’re on 7+ blades now, I’m not sure what they’re all for but they do cost a bit