The person on the left is carrying bags, the one in orange is a delivery driver and a couple of people are wearing backpacks. Aside from car brained, Damaris is also blind.

    99 months ago

    They work better than cars do. Not long ago on my bike commute in a blizzard I had to keep getting off to help get stuck cars moving again, then if happily ride off…

    And handling the cold is easier when riding than walking to and waiting for trains and buses because you generate your own heat. People ski in those conditions. It’s just a matter of the right clothes and equipment and not being soft as fuck.

      29 months ago

      Similar experience here. Bike commuted year around for a decade and went through multiple blizzards. Helped more drivers get unstuck than i can count

      Frequently did the commute sub-zero. If you have the gear it isn’t that bad. And i never had to worry about my bike not starting.