The scanner part is the only reason why I haven’t smashed that damn printer yet… I hate printers so much, I’d rather almost pay for a print service that just ships the printed documents to me on the next day.
It’s like they figured out printer firmware/GUI in 1981 and then have never touched it again. They’re competing with the TI-83 in terms of longevity at this point.
I mean yeah, printers really try to behave like somewhat sophisticated typewriters in a way. There are so many things that I suppose used to make sense early on but that really should have been refactored again and again over time. But since the technology is so insanely widespread and backward compatibility being a must-have… tech debt is a bitch.
Scanners are basically (and most of the time literally) printers. And printers are of the devil.
I’m not Gen Z btw, I’m on the tail end of Gen X and an IT professional of twenty years.
The scanner part is the only reason why I haven’t smashed that damn printer yet… I hate printers so much, I’d rather almost pay for a print service that just ships the printed documents to me on the next day.
Yeah, I really like my 3D printers even though they can be pretty fiddly as well.
But paper printers man, not even once.
I just had to replace the heat cartridge and thermister on my hot end. The print I had going when they failed was 35/37 hours in.
I still have massive affection for my 3D printer, but the HP inkjet printer my wife bought during the early days of Covid is my mortal enemy.
Ouch, I feel you on this one. Both of the ones, really.
Lol that’s like the dark overlord of evil printers. She really hit the jackpot there. 😛
It’s like they figured out printer firmware/GUI in 1981 and then have never touched it again. They’re competing with the TI-83 in terms of longevity at this point.
I mean yeah, printers really try to behave like somewhat sophisticated typewriters in a way. There are so many things that I suppose used to make sense early on but that really should have been refactored again and again over time. But since the technology is so insanely widespread and backward compatibility being a must-have… tech debt is a bitch.
And that’s why IT people hate printers.
Most printers are designed to be disposable. The companies make all their profits selling ink.