51yo here. Yeah they were. In fact, nipple and belly button piercings as well as women with tattoos (ej. Tramp Stamps) became fairly normalized by the early to mid nineties.
I saw a butt piercing; an eyelid stud; a weighted frenulum chain (think bike lock); a full back brand ; and vulva “Sarlac Pit” tattoo all in the 90s. Everyone had something.
I was an outlier in my career at the time in not having any tattoos or piercings or body mods. No judgement on those who did, just wasn’t for me.
Well…from what I saw and how the ermm “procedure” was described…the sphincter. Think of a torus and intersect it with another torus 90 degrees to it’s central plane but positioned at it’s top. The piercing did not project into the anal verge but rather protruded along side it.
Now I know what you’re thinking: “How the everlovin’ fuck do you keep that clean?!” Well, I can assure you they also wrestled with that problem.
It was…well… as you can imagine the stuff of nightmares.
Pretty common among the body piercing crowd, which certainly was a smaller percentage of the American population than it is now. I had a nipple piercing in 1996-1997.
Pierced nipples in 1998. That was not a common sight back then.
51yo here. Yeah they were. In fact, nipple and belly button piercings as well as women with tattoos (ej. Tramp Stamps) became fairly normalized by the early to mid nineties.
So many belly button piercings in the 90s. Probably got it done at Claire’s
I remember the tattoos and belly buttons, but only remember conversations of the nipples. Didn’t encounter that personally until the 2010s.
However, I left the country in 1994 and came back four years later all married and stuff so I didn’t have much of a sample in the late nineties.
I ran with the “alt” kids and they were pretty popular with the girls in our group starting around 96.
I saw a butt piercing; an eyelid stud; a weighted frenulum chain (think bike lock); a full back brand ; and vulva “Sarlac Pit” tattoo all in the 90s. Everyone had something. I was an outlier in my career at the time in not having any tattoos or piercings or body mods. No judgement on those who did, just wasn’t for me.
…did you work the burrito line at freebird’s?..
I don’t want that in my google history…so what exactly is pierced with a butt piercing?
Well…from what I saw and how the ermm “procedure” was described…the sphincter. Think of a torus and intersect it with another torus 90 degrees to it’s central plane but positioned at it’s top. The piercing did not project into the anal verge but rather protruded along side it. Now I know what you’re thinking: “How the everlovin’ fuck do you keep that clean?!” Well, I can assure you they also wrestled with that problem. It was…well… as you can imagine the stuff of nightmares.
Were you employed in the ICU, by chance? :p
Pretty common among the body piercing crowd, which certainly was a smaller percentage of the American population than it is now. I had a nipple piercing in 1996-1997.
What?? I feel like they were more common!