The most recent experience you had been putting off, but for whatever reason you tried. How did it go? Do you regret purring it off for so long?

  • @jet@hackertalks.comOP
    29 months ago

    That’s awesome. Do you know what you went to sculpt before you start? Or do you kind of go with your feeling as it develops?

    • SSTF
      29 months ago

      I knew what I wanted, but the details changed as I went. These are wargaming pieces. I knew I wanted gross cultists, so the weird skin growths were easy, I initially wanted something like tricorn hats but that turned into simple cloth with eyeholes draped over their heads.

      The witch was the hardest. I’m converting a male Celtic warrior into a female witch in a completely different pose.

      My sculpting is very rudimentary, but the aesthetic of this wargame is dirty and muddy, so I am hoping to cover my sculpting with layers of grimy paint.

      In progress: