I mean, at least housing properties have this ever present cultural pressure to keep fueling it for some time. Bussiness however are more realistic. If the location got too expensive they will simply close or move. Maybe even just do their bussines 100% online.

But all these are just my guess. Outsiders like me have no chance to see what’s behind the shop front, and bussiness, especially one in crisis, will always keep up a business as usual everything is fine façade.

  • @dukeGR4
    2 years ago

    WFH isn’t even a thing in Malaysia everyone has been asked to go back. Even in countries like Aus and US it went from being the norm to being a perk ie. a privilege, predominantly used to attract younger talent

    And occasionally some big corporation run by boomer old boys club would also take away that privilege because apparently Gen Y and Gen Z are “lazy”