Sync Ultra is a very reasonable $17 a YEAR. YouTube Premium is reaching that per MONTH. I have sync downloaded and it was the first thing I did. Thanks lj for the beautiful app.

[EDIT: That was a poor comparison, as pointed out in the comments. Leaving it for discussion sake.

There are many counterpoints and actually good discussion happening down below. Even if you don’t agree, thanks for showing me a different perspective!

If you want to support Sync, make sure to support the Lemmy Devs and your instance holders as well!

*This post was made early in the day before the update added the OTP option.]

    2 years ago

    Lots of entitlement here…

    Saying someone makes enough in their day job so all their other contributions should be free is…wow.

    I guess I’m one of the few that thinks all work should be compensated. Especially work I can’t do myself or that I prefer over others.

    And really, it’s not up to me to say what that compensation should be. It’s only my job to decide if the offer is acceptable to me for what I perceive is the benefit over other options.

    Because there are other options. But I’m here because I don’t want the other options. I would guess many others are, too.

      132 years ago

      Totally agree… This person does a shit load of work building and maintaining an app, they sure as hell should get paid for it.

      72 years ago

      No one says sync for lemmy should be free. Most people just oppose the subscription based model. Also our user data is being sold to data hoarding companies by sync for lemmy. That is extremely conflicting with the open source model of lemmy.