Should be easy to use, remember what I bought before and propose things that are probably running out (based on my personal buying frequency), and allow sharing the list between multiple people. Ideally also allow adding recipes for meals that I cook often.

  • JustEnoughDucks
    119 months ago

    At that point, you might as well get Mealie.

    • Recipe manager (with online recipe parsing so you don’t have to read everyone’s life story)
    • Equipment and ingredient lists per recipe
    • Meal planner so you can plan out a week of meals
    • Shopping lists by adding item by item or actually linking recipes and automatically importing all of the items
    • Different users and access control, OIDC, backups, and most modern features.

    shopping list demo

      19 months ago

      Yeah. If you are more into the recipe side of things Mealie is imho the way to go.

      If you want a ERP at home Grocy is more feature complete,but also more bothersome.