It’s getting ridiculous. There’s one youtuber that swapped the thumbnail 4 times this week just to make people look at it again and think it was a different video. The worst part is that it sort of works, I keep looking at it then remembering I saw something very similar from the same channel name yesterday.

I hate this so damn much.

    • Servais (il/le)
      68 months ago

      Yes, the model is a bit confusing, but for the comfort it brings, I just paid 1 buck for it and called it a day.

      That was also a way to thank them for their work on SponsorBlock

      8 months ago

      If I had to guess I’d say that their other project, Sponserblock, got a little bit more popular than they were expecting and this is just to help alleviate server costs. Most of the API endpoints don’t require any auth at all (the single one that does accepts a random UUID), so any checks must be locally done (maybe system time?). The extension and server back-end are licensed under GPLv3 and AGPL respectively and are also entirely self-hostable, so the code is out there to verify if you wish