I am trying to make a decision. curious about your thoughts on my personal situation, and what you think in general. or your own stories if you have anything relevant…

  • @whoreticulture@lemmy.worldOP
    8 months ago

    I don’t even live in a city … I have lived in rural areas for nearly all of the past decade. But yeah I would love to live in a city at some point in my life. Kinda sucks to be so far from everything, nature is great but I get plenty of exposure to the outdoors at work. I have only been paying this rent for a month as a stopgap looking for something else. It’s the most affordable I could find, that was a standalone unit, after a couple months looking. I was really unhappy being so far from my friends living rurally, and now I am slightly less rural but it still feels to remote. I miss being able to walk to things. Also statistically… rural people kill themselves way more 😬

    You seem confused and lost. Lashing out completely unrelated and weird insults. Like … do you live in Idaho?? lol did I hit a nerve? People like living in cities because there is community, culture, services. Weird.

    Nice that you seem to have given up trying to tell me that buying a house is a good financial decision for me though like … you saw the evidence and then went off about antidepressants and air quality lmao

    • @redisdead@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      “you seem confused and lost”, says the guy who thinks spending half his income into funding someone else’s property is a good idea and a great retirement solution.

      Also, no, I don’t live in Idaho, not everyone is a lazy ass American who thinks improving their life is paying for someone to do the laundry.

      • @whoreticulture@lemmy.worldOP
        18 months ago

        You don’t even live in the United States and you’re trying to act like you know what’s best for my financial situation … I could buy a house … or not do that and not waste time and money on home ownership upkeep❤️👍🏻 and invest money in other ways 🎉

        • @redisdead@lemmy.world
          18 months ago

          Owning your own home is an universal good thing for everyone in the entire world

          You’re wasting money on upkeep regardless.

            • @redisdead@lemmy.world
              18 months ago

              Stay poor and don’t come crying when your rent increases again for the 7th time and you can’t afford it even though you work 7 jobs.