For me it’s: Testdisk (and Photorec) Caddy Netstat Dig Aria2

  • Joël de Bruijn
    08 months ago

    This, but for a Fireshot like tool. Screenshot and pdf of webpages in their entirety by scrolling while shotting. In bulk, with CLI.

      • Joël de Bruijn
        8 months ago

        Dont know if it’s illegitimate otherwise 😉

        But my user story is like this:

        I want to preserve and archive information I used because it’s a reflection of the things I did, learned and studied throughout life.

        Then my use case are:

        • Orientation about “events”: places to visit on daytrips or holidays (musea, nature, parks, campsites) and looking for practical information and background as well.
        • Gather a “dossier”: info to help make a decision (buying expensive things, how to do home improvement etc)
        • Building a personal knowledge database: interesting articles and blogs.

        My current workflow:

        • Browse
        • Bookmark extensively
        • Download pdf or other content (maps, routes, images) when provided.
        • Open bookmarks.
        • Fireshot every webpage to pdf and png
        • Save everything with a consequent filename (YYYYMMDD - Source - Title)

        I would like to automate the last 3 steps of my workflow.