• imaginelizardM
    11 year ago

    And then what to be exact? It’s a survival move for Gerakan. Quitting PN meant that they’ll only be fading away as a small irrelevant party with the likes of PRM, PSM, and such. Joining PH would mean death for the party ala MCA since no one will give them a seat to compete.

    • just another rakyat
      21 year ago

      PAS may humiliate them but in the end PN knows that they need to pretend to be a multicultural coalition - not because they care about non-Malay voters but because they need to convince Malay voters that they are not really racists if they vote for PN. (The same reason PAS didn’t win big until they have Muhyiddin to offer a “moderate” cover)

      So Gerakan has quite a bit of leverage in PN… as compared to in PH where they are even less welcome than Muda or PSM.