The name actually makes these videos sound more innocuous than they are. While crushing a monkey to death would be terrible enough, the “clients” in this private online group wanted to watch monkeys tortured for hours. They complained when the monkeys died too quickly. They suggested dressing baby monkeys in diapers and yellow outfits, then feeding them with bottles in front of their parents—before brutally breaking bones, severing limbs, inflicting pain with fishhooks and pliers and skewers, burning wounds with lighters, gluing various bodily orifices closed, attacking them with snakes, and sexually abusing them.

What in the actual fuck. This is some of the most depraved shit I can imagine. Partway through the article, I just started skimming and then just noped out. These people suck.

  • aiccount
    -47 months ago

    If this was a factory farm and people were maybe going to eat the animals after the torture, it would still be just as deprived. Remember this next time your order your burger or chicken strips. If you are disgusted by this, as you absolutely should be, then pay the extra 30% for fairly treated animals. If you don’t know where your food is coming from then it is probably from torturous factory farms.

    You can do better and the animals deserve better. This isn’t even a call for veganism, just a call for making sure that the animals you eat at least get to live without being tortured like they are at nearly all factory farms. There is plenty of factory farm footage out there for anyone who wants to bury their heads in the sand and pretend like torture isn’t routine for most of the animals raised for meat.

    The fact that it’s common doesn’t make it morally justified.

    If my comment upsets you, then it is almost certainly your own actions that are actually upsetting you.

    • 🦄🦄🦄
      37 months ago

      Downvoting this just means you aren’t as not ok with the monkey torture as you thought you were.

      07 months ago

      You’re 100% correct but it causes people to look inward and most can’t wrestle with that dissonance.

      Female animals are repeatedly raped, have their children taken, are forced to produce milk, etc. Males are culled yeaaaars earlier than average life expectancy or turned into meat pulp instantly in the case of chicken farms. Rinse repeat forever. All in disgusting conditions, but hey at least we can eat meat 🙄.

      Go against the grain and order plant based alternatives and attempt to eat vegetarian / vegan as often as possible. Try it for 6 months, the meat isn’t going anywhere.