This means that if another country’s military is capable of ending a person’s life, the USA must find a way to one-up that somehow. Otherwise both fighting forces are equally lethal.

What does she have planned? Do they have a weapon that can destroy the eternal soul?

  • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
    7 months ago

    Remember the “STEM or nothing” advice millennials got?

    Mark my words, Gen alpha will be flooded with propaganda telling them to enlist in the military.

        • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
          117 months ago

          Calling it part two, they will strategically realign millennials and younger as the “tough” generation and boomers as wimps.

          “Come on kid, you’re not like those loser boomers who had it easy growing up! You dealt with the housing crisis AND jobs crisis without complaint! We need tough guys like you in the army gleefully will put up with tough conditions and expect nothing in return!”

    • BodyBySisyphus [he/him]
      197 months ago

      I mean, I’m a millennial and in my high school we had:

      • Recruiters constantly present in the cafeteria
      • A well funded JROTC program
      • The army bringing portable tents where we skipped gym to play their CoD clone America’s Army
      • Similar visits from the army’s climbing wall
      • Visits from the Navy’s “cover band” where they did that one Green Day song about doing nothing but sitting on the couch and masturbating all day

      So the propaganda flood has been at a high water mark for at least 20 years at this point.

      • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
        7 months ago

        frothingfash: “Heh heh, no poets on the commune!”

        porky-happy: “Hey kiddo, guess what you get to do? Die to steal oil! We thought about letting the wealth trickle down in the form of jobs, but I thought….nah! We have boomers happily working those pesky jobs for you well into their 80s, and AI takes care of the rest. Come on kiddo, it’ll be like those video games!”

      • for sure. pre-9/11 it was already a full court press for military recruitment in high school, and probably half the guys I knew did it because they didn’t have the scores / grades for a scholarship and their parents were too broke to help.

        back then it was all about getting free college and OK pay with out going to go get your dome rattled by an IED somewhere the thermostat hits 120°F. most I knew from high school got out before the Iraq invasion, said “that sucked” and set about going to school on a full ride, but one younger, late enlisted guy was in his last year when he got sent over. everybody prior to that was like stationed in places like Germany or San Diego and doing nonsense like checking boxes, handing out socks, or guarding a warehouse of toilet parts. the work was described as mind numbing, but they liked the places they got to visit when on leave.

        he went over to iraq kinda dumb and cameback fully dumb but full of confidence and started carrying a handgun literally everywhere. didn’t use the GI bill at all, and was pretty much the nail in the coffin for anybody I knew from high school believing the military opened doors anymore.

          • 1000% it’s crazy how much that benefit covers. tuition, expenses, housing, food, living. I knew this clown that did 4 in the Chair Force and legit just hung the fuck out in college, like how people dream college years should be. bikeable/walkable housing off campus, plenty of money for restaurants, nice clothes, weed/booze, spring/summer trips, no need to have a job. and he had more money in savings after finishing than when he started. basically, how it should be for anyone.

            my cousin, on the other hand, is one of the dipshits that went “career” and will never use the GI bill. barely literate, new trucks/jet skis all the time, upside down on every asset. the poster child for credit counseling and car title/payday loan strip malls right off base. I went to his second wedding (he was like 26) and it was obvious crazy expensive.

            I legit cannot even imagine what he would do with himself if someone wasn’t standing over him telling him which pile of socks to hand out. probably illegally drag racing mustangs on public roads.

    • homhom9000 [she/her]
      97 months ago

      I’ve ben seeing more pro join the military propaganda lately, even at anime conventions. Guess the new Top Gun didn’t work so they’re getting more creative

      • LocalOaf [they/them, ze/hir]
        97 months ago

        On the one hand, those games are ridiculous imperialist military propaganda overseen by the DoD

        On the other hand, a lot of players never touch the campaigns and the multiplayer from CoD4 to BO2 was really good, so it’s impossible to tell if it’s bad or not


        I know, they’re bad

    • SpiderFarmer [he/him]
      77 months ago

      As someone with a ‘real degree’ I want to fist fight everyone who says that. They’re just telling on themselves that they’ve never read a book outside of assigned reading.

      17 months ago

      The one-handed “mobile infantry made me the man I am today!” guy will be some 45 year old who his nuts blown off in Iraq by a brave resistance fighter around 2005