She set a tone at the very start when she walked right into his space to shake his hand and made him almost pull back into himself in response. She was in charge and never stopped being in charge.

Harris also managed what neither Joe Biden nor Hillary Clinton nor any of the 2016 Republicans managed to do which is successfully bait Donald Trump and get under his skin. Within a few minutes Trump was visibly angry and not in a way that empowered him but in a way that made him lose focus, go down rabbit holes and generally go off onto damaging tangents. Spittle anger, not righteous anger, shall we say.

    336 months ago

    I’d consider it a win if she gets more registered dems to get out and vote.
    That’s the only thing I wish they’d say more often. Get out and vote!

    We have loads of people on both sides that are registered, but sit on their ass too much.
    Dems vote way less than Reps. Feels like a bad HOA way too often.
    Shit gets ruined by bored old people cause they don’t have anything better to do.

      156 months ago

      That’s the only thing I wish they’d say more often. Get out and vote!

      Depends on how they say it.

      “Pokemon Go…to the polls” still echoes in the dark recesses or my memory.

        76 months ago

        Unrelated outside of the title… Pokemon Go to the Polls was a very fun bonus episode for dungeons and daddies

        Related, I really hope the Taylor Swift fans register and vote (and more, but her fans are relevant right now considering the endorsement right after the debate)