Some 17,500 fatbikes imported from China have been held by Dutch authorities over concerns about speed manipulation and safety risks.

    16 months ago

    I’ll be candid, I was expecting faster. 30mph is pretty regularly doable on a road bike (obviously not a fatbike, but just talking sharing a lane here), not sustained unless you’re riding in the TDF, but as a sprint? Yeah, definitely doable.

    Just to be clear I’m not saying it wouldn’t be a problem at 30-40mph for these fatbikes, because you’re talking about anyone being able to do those speeds, fully sustained for long periods, just that I was expecting even higher from the way it was being described.

    At the same time I want one to try out…

    • Annoyed_🦀 A
      6 months ago

      30mph is i think the low end one, some can go 40mph and higher. Check out this youtube channel, he reviewed some high speed one.

      I do wanna try one out too, but i wouldn’t buy one, it make more sense to get a moped. Because it’s basically moped disguised as a pedelec. Kinda defeating the purpose of a bicycle if you ask me.

        6 months ago

        I can see where there could be use… I live in the kind of area where the only path available at certain points is major roads, where going 30mph in a car would be so slow its dangerous.

        Being able to hit a higher speed like 50 for a short period, then get off and go back to biking… That I could see as an appropriate use.

        Personally I like the idea of electric, I have a crappy knee so if it hurts randomly (which happens), I basically turn around use one leg to actually pedal. As a result, I’m not doing the rides I used to do, from a 100 mile weekend bit of fun down to around a 10 mile super quick bit of fun. Electric would make me feel comfortable going for longer. Of course, I’m not looking to go 60mph on a bicycle anyway.