• @Prunebutt@slrpnk.net
    13 hours ago

    Thanks for demonstrating what a useless term “AI” is when you’re not trying to sell snake oil.

    • aiccount
      05 hours ago

      Every word in every language changes over time. The term AI changing is the absolute normal. It’s not some mark against it.

      Current llms are phenomenally beneficial for some things. Millions of developers have had their entire careers completely changed. Teachers are able to grade work in 10% of the time. Children through to college students and anyone interested in learning have infinitely patient tutors on demand 24 hours a day. The fact that you are completely clueless about what is going on doesn’t by any stretch of the imagination mean it isn’t happening. It just means that you not only feel like you are “beyond learning”, it also means that you don’t even have people in your life that are still interested in personal growth, or you are too shallow to have conversations with anyone who is.

      This is just beginning. The more you cling to being in denial of progress, the further you will get behind. You are denying any mode of transportation other than horses even exists, while people are routinely flying around the world. It most likely won’t be too long until your mindset is widely accepted as a mental disorder.

      • WesDym
        04 hours ago

        @aiccount This is one of those cases where even if you’re right, you’re being kind of a dick about it, and that by itself is enough for many people (maybe most) to reject the rest, just because no one wants to agree with a dick.

        Your claims may be true, but they’re here unfounded, which for most others is indistinguishable from just making shit up to try to support a flimsy thesis. Paired with your dickish tone, it will sound like bullshit to many people.

        Unless that was your goal, this fails.

        • aiccount
          13 hours ago

          I responded to dickish tones with dickish tone. If that is the only tone some people can understand, then that’s what I’ll try giving them. It should be made abundantly clear that people who constantly use technology in every aspect of their life being openly anti-technology are fools. It shouldn’t be somehow accepted that living in blatant hypocrisy is cool.

          • WesDym
            03 hours ago

            @aiccount Then you need to grow up.

            Some lessons need to be learned the hard way, and this is an example.

            Right now, today, I am blocking you – forever. I will never see or hear anything you have to say, about anything, ever again, because I don’t consider it worth the irritation. Nothing you say is unique, and it’s needlessly abrasive.

            You cannot change this result. But you can prevent it from happening to you again, by changing your ways.

            The choice is yours. Good luck. And goodbye.

            • aiccount
              12 hours ago

              Yeah, just what you need, an even more closed of echo chamber always telling you that you are a genius for being willfully ignorant. You are just increasing your problem.

      • @Prunebutt@slrpnk.net
        05 hours ago

        Every word in every language changes over time. The term AI changing is the absolute normal. It’s not some mark against it.

        Lumping machine learning algorithms, llms, regressive learning, search algorithms all in one bucket and calling it “AI” serves no proper purpose. There is no consensus, it’s not a clear definition, it’s not convenient and it only helps sell bullshit. Llms aren’t intelligent. Calling them that is the opposite of useful.

        Current llms are phenomenally beneficial for some things.

        Namely: the portfolio of tech shareholders and grifters.

        Millions of developers have had their entire careers completely changed.

        Lol, no. What’s your source for this?

        Teachers are able to grade work in 10% of the time.

        Poor students.

        Children through to college students and anyone interested in learning have infinitely patient tutors on demand 24 hours a day.

        Have you heard of the stories where students believed some AI bullshit more than what their teacher told them? Great “tutor” you have there.

        The fact that you are completely clueless about what is going on

        Sure, bud. /s

        It just means that you not only feel like you are “beyond learning”, it also means that you don’t even have people in your life that are still interested in personal growth, or you are too shallow to have conversations with anyone who is.

        Oh, please tell me more about my life, stranger on the internet! /s

        What an asshole, seriously.

        Have fun in your tech cult, you ableist bootlicker.

        • aiccount
          23 hours ago

          Yesterday’s AI is today’s normal technology, this is just what keeps happening. Some people just keep forgetting how rapidly things are changing.

          You’ll join this “cult” once the masses do, just like you have been doing all along. Some of us are just out here a little bit in the future. You will be one of us when you think it becomes cool, and then you will self-righteously act like you were one of us all along. That’s just what weak-minded followers do. They try to seem like they knew all along where the world was headed without ever trying to look ahead and ridiculing anyone who does.

          • @Prunebutt@slrpnk.net
            -12 hours ago

            The thing you’re evangelizing only leads to more consolidation of power and money, loss of jobs and power for the working class and climate devastation.

        • aiccount
          13 hours ago

          There is a reason why you point to examples from years ago, that’s because that is where you are still stuck.

          • @Prunebutt@slrpnk.net
            -13 hours ago

            Students “correcting” their teachers on AI bullshit isn’t “from years ago”.

            Old examples of AI I counted used to be the bleeding edge of AI research. Now they’re an old hat. The same thing will happen to LLMs. And LLMs won’t lead to so-called “AGI”, just like the other examples didn’t.