Vulnerabilities in Sogou Keyboard encryption expose keypresses to network eavesdropping.

    11 year ago

    There was indeed genocide against the Native Americans. It, however, is no longer ongoing. In fact, they receive a lot of federal money. Native Americans can live and work anywhere in the United States. They can use their native languages, they can form part of the government. The current US Secretary of the Interior is a native of Laguna Indian Pueblo, from my own home state of New Mexico!

    There is no genocide against African American people. There is indeed perhaps over-policing and discrimination. That is not genocide!! That doesn’t make it moral or right, but genocide it is not.

    You know what, when NASA and the USSR were inventing rockets they studied the German V2 rockets. When the US made a the first nuclear bomb they studied the work of quantum physicists. When the US bulid the interstate system they studied the Nazi Autobahn. This doesn’t mean anything. Knowledge is neutral no matter its origin. It’s up to people to use it for good or bad.

    You are an absolute idiot. Goodbye.

      1 year ago

      There is no genocide against African American people. There is indeed perhaps over-policing and discrimination. That is not genocide!! That doesn’t make it moral or right, but genocide it is not.

      The american prison population is larger than every country in the world combined and larger than any historic prison population in the history of mankind, you are misleading yourself if you think this.

      You cant call the chinese ughyur prison population (which is 10% that of americas) who reported by the UN have an average prison stay of 1-2 years a genocide and then on the other hand white wash the american prison population of african americans, with an average prison sentance of life-20 years not a genocide on the same hand, liberals like you are insufferable.

      Like with most liberals when confronted about there enlightened fascism the only response they have is to block and disengage, cant be bothered challenging the perception that you’re worse than a fascist.