while i want a blossoming off original art in such a world i also really want to see where artists take things when everything becomes public domain.
like how theres some really amazing fanfics out there that put the original works to shame. but with a crew of thousands of dedicated people working on it and huge grants from the State Art Fund
after IP is dismantled and anyone is allowed to do whatever they want with them, copyright and canon are a fuck
while i want a blossoming off original art in such a world i also really want to see where artists take things when everything becomes public domain.
like how theres some really amazing fanfics out there that put the original works to shame. but with a crew of thousands of dedicated people working on it and huge grants from the State Art Fund
Star Wars I agree but I think Marvel slop should go. Even pre-cinematic universe it was going downhill.
Can we at least keep based Magneto the Nazi hunter around? I will never get tired of him murdering the shit out of fascists in the comics
Alright fine, the X Men and maybe Guardians get a pass
If it makes it any better, I’m 100% okay with dropping mossad mutant Sabra
They had the opportunity to call her mutant nickname “Hasbara” and just blew it like that.