While I’ve certainly seen a lot of posts and cases about the other side of the coin. And not to dismiss this. I’ve seen plenty of stories and accounts of people who have lost family members to the cult of the “cheeto man” himself.

But my mom has gone complete bonkers since 2016 for an entirely different reason. Shes obsessed with hating Trump. From 2016-2021 it was like 99% of what she would talk about. Hell, its gotten a tiny bit better but its still like 50% on a good day of what she talks about at any given time still. During the Mueller era, she had CNN practically 24/7. So much so that one of the headlines literally burned into her TV. She would post and show anyone she talked to anti Trump memes, songs, etc. People started disconnecting from her and she just had this “Well I guess they dont like what I havr to say! They’re Trumpers anyways.” Pretty much lacking any self awareness into how unhinged the election made her and fully leaning into it.

This is a woman who went from not voting and not really caring for either side of the political aisle to running for and becoming a school board member. She was so insufferable in this position that she took a 4 year break because no one liked her, ran again, and resigned because no one on the board or at the school likes her.

Fortunately, I havent lived with her for the most part since COVID, aside from like 3 months when I was in between apartments due to a breakup at the time. But I do still love her and miss the old her from before Trump became president so I keep in semi touch with her.

But I had a conversation with her recently about this election that makes me question the sanity of most of these boomer libs. Despite knowing Im not voting for kamala or Trump, she keeps pushing me. Texting “your vote counts. Theres only 2 candidates” over and over. Even though I literally live halfway across the country from her in California. Shes running short of harassing me to vote for Kamala. And then out of the blue she calls me literally just to talk about this. Spews the same old zionist bullshit that “we should fund Israel, its just Bibi whos bad!” And that “Israel-Palestine is just ONE issue anyways”. And so on the usual crap about J6 and shit.

I said something like “kamala and trump are both evil, Trump is just honest about it”.


Basically calling me a Trumper for the mere suggestion of Trump being honest about something. Much less, honest about him being evil. Before hanging up and saying I have nothing better to do. Despite her bothering me about the subject, her calling me to argue, and her lack of being able to talk about much of anything else.

Does anyone else have any stories of crazy lib relatives post 2016? I feel like I cant be the only one.

  • GarbageShoot [he/him]
    125 months ago

    You are missing the point completely; Her political opinions are irrelevant here, it’s her obsession with it and with browbeating OP about it. There are communists like that too (many of us have been that communist), liberals breaking that off are honestly doing something reasonable, even if they are politically incorrect in general.

    • Lussy [any, hy/hym]
      5 months ago

      You are missing the point completely;

      I really don’t think I am.

      There are communists like that too (many of us have been that communist), liberals breaking that off are honestly doing something reasonable

      Any liberal breaking off ties with their mother because she calls him in the middle of the night to talk about workers owning the means of production is being unreasonable.

      • Mardoniush [she/her]
        105 months ago

        That is true, but the 4th or fifth time you interrupt your nephews birthday party to talk for 90min about how the Shining Path did nothing wrong people are going to stop sending you Christmas cards

      • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
        75 months ago

        For real, this is absolutely not worth breaking ties over. Like, I’m.sure OP also hates Trump, being split on common ground is hardly a reason to even stop being friends let alone abandon your own mother, especially if you don’t live with them. This thread is absurd and has drastically diminished my hopes for the left if this is any example. If you can’t express patience and humanity to your own mother.whos just annoyingly anti Trump than I have little faith in any movement comprised of people with such a small minded and petty attitude. It’s pathetic. The real problem is your mom needs help. Provide some. Be with her instead of the TV being with her. My great aunt is dying who probably still thinks black people smell different (real thing she said once) but also regardless of that opinion voted and marched for civil rights in the 60s and never treated anyone different despite her olfactory opinion. She was a bit racist for sure but never once treated anyone different because of it, so whatever. I dunno why you’d try to get older family members closer to your side of the fence cause they saw you shit yourself and will never ever really change their minds for you. Who cares? They’ll be dead soon and are fairly politically irrelevant now. Olds gonna old. Fucking accept that and work around it.