Robert Downey Jr. plans to sue any Hollywood executive who signs off on the creation of his digital replica.

  • MojoLobo
    995 months ago

    “I don’t envy anyone who has been over-identified with the advent of this new phase of the information age. The idea that somehow it belongs to them because they have these super huge start-ups is a fallacy,” Downey told Swisher about figures like Altman. “The problem is when these individuals believe that they are the arbiters of managing this but meanwhile are wanting and/or needing to be seen in a favorable light. That is a massive fucking error. It turns me off and makes me not want to engage with them because they are not being truthful.”


    • Annoyed_🦀 A
      135 months ago

      Dude just said what rub me the wrong way these AI mumbo jumbo techbro do, that i myself can’t really quite get why.