This is especially true with luxury brands like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Prada. People are either trying to impress others with fakes, or they’ve actually paid full price to become walking billboards.

Similar thing with iPhone cases that have a cutout for the Apple logo. That’s just hilarious.

    161 month ago

    This is happening with non-luxury brands too. I was looking for a simple sports t-shirt lately and it’s actually really hard to find one without a huge brand logo at the front. Do people actually like this?

    • I’ve made an exception once or twice for a logo that actually looks good. I think that is, considering how many pieces of clothing I’ve seen and not chosen, something like a one-in-a-million chance.

      330 days ago

      I don’t. I really dislike any type of letting on my shirts. Not merely advertising, but inane stuff like ‘Hollywood’ or something. If I do wear text I must agree on it and most clothing brands fail to come up with stuff I want my clothing to say