“I never imagined that the sounds of destruction would invade my life with such cruelty, but they did. One dreadful morning, the army stormed into our home in Gaza, armed with weapons of devastation as if they had come to strip us of everything. They broke through our doors without mercy, tampered with our precious belongings, and left a deep scar in every corner. My university books, the dreams I had built page by page, were stacked on the shelves of my room, waiting for the day I would celebrate my graduation, but they left them with no chance.

It wasn’t long before I heard the deafening explosion. A tank shell had destroyed our home, turning it into rubble. I watched my dreams scatter, and my academic life, which I had worked so hard for, collapsed in an instant. I lost my university studies and the hope I clung to. My wedding day, that moment I had eagerly awaited, was lost too. There was no longer a home to celebrate in, nor a place to hold the happy memories.

Today, I stand here, under the mercy of the sky, between ruins and pain, pleading with compassionate hearts to give me a glimmer of hope. Your support is what I need now to rebuild what the war destroyed, to piece back together my shattered life, and to start anew despite the agony. Every donation, no matter how small, will bring hope and restore part of my lost dreams.”

  • Ayjan Ibrahimov ☭🪬
    5 months ago

    الصهاينه مو أصدقائنا ، بس أعدائنا .

    يا عرب اسمعوني !

    انا مو عدوكم ، ولا شعبي ( إحنا اليهودياً ) ، عنا أشياء مشتركه وأشياء إحنا ممكن نتفق ونختلف عليها ، بس من فضلكم ، بكل حب واحترام ، تذكروا إني مو عدوكم ، ولا شعبي … إحنا اتنين عم نعاني من نفس العدو اللي بكرهنا وهي الصهاينه.

    متحدين إحنا واحد ضد عدونا اللي هو نظام الاحتلال الصهيونيه .

    اليهود والعرب إخوة ( وأخوات ) ، عنا عدو مشترك واحد ، وهو الكيان الصهيوني .

    ( من فضلك ، صحح لي أي اخطاء في كتابتي ، ساكون ممتنا لك . ما زلت اتعلم وادرس اللغة العربية و 4 لهجات من اللغة العربية )

    • ayamohamed [she/her]OP
      45 months ago

      شكرا لك على تعليقك … انا اعرف تماما انك لست عدونا وان اليهوديا شيئ والصهيونيه شيئ مختلف تماما … ونفهم ايضا انكم تدعون قضيتنا وواجب علينا شكرك … للغتك العربيه مثاليه لذلك انت رائع استمر في تعليمك 🙏. شكرا لتعاونك معنا محا تقدير