Vote for the change you want to see.

The Republican party got remade because trumpists showed up and outvoted the party elites. No reason it can’t happen for the Left except for laziness and apathy.

If all the progressives furious about the state of affairs now had shown up for Sanders in 2016, I doubt we’d be in this hellish timeline. Sadly, he needed the young progressive vote to show up.

    01 month ago

    You just proved OP’s point.

    Look at Obama. No one thought he could get past Hilary in 2008. He got his people motivated and hit the streets.

    You want to get your candidate in? Organize!

      11 month ago

      That was before citizens united. This doesnt prove op’s left bashing. Like I said earlier GET MONEY OUT OF THE POLITICAL PROCESS

        01 month ago

        Sorry, there’s no magic genii going to pop up and reverse that decision.

        You want change? Roll up your sleeves and get to work. And typing all caps doesn’t count as work.