i recently learned about the buddhist concent of dependent origination, which states that all phenomena arise in dependence with other phenomena. this was surprisingly similar to my idea of dialectical materialism, and it got me thinking about how buddhism could be reconciled/combined with a marxist world view. has anybody here read books or articles on this topic?

obviously not everything buddhists believe (reincarnation is an obvious example) is going to jive with marxism but that doesn’t mean it’s worthless to try to analyze one in terms of the other

Death to America

  • Alice196498 [she/her]
    45 months ago

    People read by the overall ſhape of words, and given that the long s is an aſcending letter, it gives words a much more varied ſhape than the evenneſs of only uſing the round s, which aids in reading at a glance or taking in lines of text at a time ; and while it is anecdotal, I’ve been told that it helps ſome people with certain reading difficulties ſuch as dyſlexia becauſe of that more varied appearance it gives words and lines. Furthermore, while it doeſn’t really apply to Engliſh, ſome languages uſe word-compound or ſyllable-baſed rules for the long s (an example being German), which can actually help tell ſome words apart from each other ; for example, wachſtube and wachstube (guardhouſe vs tube of wax) or Kreiſchen and Kreischen (ſcream vs ſmall circle) can be eaſily diſtinguiſhed from each other even without context with the long s where they would need more context without.

    • mathemachristian [he/him]
      24 months ago

      The german rules around the long-s, like most rules involving german language, are needlessly complex though and I’m pretty sure the complexity is by design to gate-keep and distinguish the educated from the lower class. Your examples are the ones that make sense, but some others are rather exemplary for the average german desire to feel superior by following the most rules (and all of their exceptions) possible.

      On another note how do you type the long-s?

      • Alice196498 [she/her]
        34 months ago

        I don’t think that that’s true about the German language or people, and could perhaps benefit from more critical material analyſis and inveſtigation regarding the place and function of thoſe rules relative to the language.

        As for how I type the long s, I perſonally uſe a keyboard layout of mine own deſign, which can be ſeen in the attached image. I alſo have a keyboard layout for Android, and although I perſonally uſe Linux, I have alſo made a few ſcript-baſed ways of typing it for Windows including an entirely automated ſolution to help people who would want to incorporate it into their own orthography.

        • The_sleepy_woke_dialectic [he/him]
          24 months ago

          Love this layout. I have the open and close ([{< on the same key like you! I don’t know why that wasn’t the default from the start.

          You even have the different dashes bound. Be still my heart!