i recently learned about the buddhist concent of dependent origination, which states that all phenomena arise in dependence with other phenomena. this was surprisingly similar to my idea of dialectical materialism, and it got me thinking about how buddhism could be reconciled/combined with a marxist world view. has anybody here read books or articles on this topic?
obviously not everything buddhists believe (reincarnation is an obvious example) is going to jive with marxism but that doesn’t mean it’s worthless to try to analyze one in terms of the other
Death to America
Comrade, this and your other reply to me are good comments, thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. You’ve caused me to re-examine some of the core teachings of Buddhism on my own terms. For example, I did not remember that Buddha specifically spoke against self-mortification as a practice. One of my strong memories from trying to enter the priesthood was the temple head (my teacher) speaking reverently of some long dead monk who cut a piece of her own skin off as a devotional practice. I think I might spend some time re-examining core texts and precepts without the colorings of a specific sect. Materially I am still skeptical of Enlightenment, especially given the historical context during which Buddha lived and the other competing groups seeking the same, but I think I’ll give it another critical examination.
I’ve never heard of that sect but it sounds pretty sketchy and I’m glad you’re out. I understand and am sorry that dampened your perspective on the dharma. I hope your reconsideration is fruitful.