The country is trending in cryptocurrency savings as residents look to find ways to protect sayings and face inflation. The risks and how you can protect against them.
The people who use bitcoin think in Satoshi now. There are many wallets and exchanges that allow you to denominated in sotishis. mBTC is another common denomination that people use and think in.
It is true that bitcoin is starting out volatile, but it is still so early when you consider how long major currencies usually last. Things should settle down more and more as it becomes a larger and larger percentage of the economy. I bet gold probably started out pretty volatile, considering some people knew to value it and others didn’t.
The people who use bitcoin think in Satoshi now. There are many wallets and exchanges that allow you to denominated in sotishis. mBTC is another common denomination that people use and think in.
It is true that bitcoin is starting out volatile, but it is still so early when you consider how long major currencies usually last. Things should settle down more and more as it becomes a larger and larger percentage of the economy. I bet gold probably started out pretty volatile, considering some people knew to value it and others didn’t.