Its not getting any better. dont know what to do. I cant live in a future like this. All of the work we have put out is now gone. Ita going to get worse

  • It is going to get worse, but that doesn’t mean we have to accept the full worst-case scenario.

    Right now, a lot of people are hurt and scared, and the fascists know that. That is why they are making big waves right now, to try to capitalize on that feeling of dread and despair.

    But they had to put in a LOT of work to suppress the will of the people. This is not the result of a single election season, this is the result of a coordinated effort spanning decades. The actions they are taking now are designed to make you think that it is hopeless, that nobody cares, and that the battle is lost.

    In reality, the battle is never over. This is the moment that needs to push us to actually working together against them, instead of talking about what the right thing to do is. Talk won’t help, but local action will.

    Join a mutual aid group and help safeguard your friends and neighbors from the economic hardship they are promising. Start talking your friends and family into attending boycotts, marches, and, above all, your local government and board meetings. Connect to the people around you, put up flyers, coordinate phone campaigns, and get people into these meetings to demand protections and change at the local level where it is most important.

    Resistance doesn’t come from nowhere. It has to be grown, it has to be planted as a small seed and then watered and weeded and trellised and brought inside from the cold. You may even have to watch it die and then pick yourself up and start from a seed again.

    But if we each dedicate ourselves, full time, to a single plant, then we will do far more good than running around frantically worrying about the forest dying. Because yes, the forest is dying, and it is up to us to determine what grows in its place.

    We may not be able to save what we have now. But only we can set the stage, as best we can, for those who will come after us. And the more work we do now, the better they will be able to build off of that work, and the better things will be.

      124 months ago

      I like you.

      Somebody reminded me of something Mr. Rogers would often say: “Look for the helpers.” I think you’ve embodied that spirit here.

    • DarkThoughts
      74 months ago

      My guy… It’s not the forest dying, but our sole basis of life. Economic hardships? None of that matters when the climate collapse goes on, and it will. We did fuck all even before Trump, right on our way to 3 degrees Celsius globally. We already seem to have reached 1.5 degrees LONG before even our worst predictions. And under Trump the US will backtrack HARD on any sort of token climate policy. The world cannot compensate for the emissions of the US. And you may think getting people to fight help, but it doesn’t. Trump and his cronies do not care how much you’re protesting, in fact, they’ll have plans for that too to suppress it. But that also does not matter, because here’s the truth of the matter: NO ONE CARES!

      Look around, look at how few people actually vote for Green candidates and parties, look at how many are already crying about a bit of inflation and price gauging. Real climate policies, the ones we’d need, would drive our economies into the ground. Remember the economic downturn during covid? If the emission fall of that would’ve gone on until 2035 THEN we would’ve been on track, meaning we’d have to experience this kind of economic freefall continuously - JUST FOR THE TARGETED 1.5 DEGREE GOAL (which again, came MUCH earlier than anticipated)!

      Neither corporations, nor politicians, NOR VOTERS, actually care! People who truly want proper climate action being taken are a fringe movement of “extremists”. Maybe we see some of them turn to climate terrorism, but I doubt even that would help. In reality, we’d need a proper global climate revolution, but there’s 0 support for that. And by the time shit is going to hit the fan sufficiently it will be long too late to avoid anything that isn’t some post apocalyptic nightmare full of suffering for the few people that still survive.

      This election was decisive, and humanity lost. Fuck Americans. Fuck humans.

      • Even if that is true, why take out your frustration like this, by raging against those of us who are willing to do all the good we can?

        I am not promising that we will be able to fix everything. Heck, I don’t even know if we can fully fix anything. But until every last living being is dead, there is something here that deserves every chance we can give or get.

        You don’t have to participate, but to argue against this kind of work is like denying pain medication to someone who is dying and justifying it by saying ‘meds will not save you’. If we can’t save the life, we can at least save them from as much suffering as we can manage.

        • DarkThoughts
          34 months ago

          Deluding yourself is neither going to help, nor is it all the good we can do. And what do you mean I don’t have to participate? I doubt any of your guys footprint is even anywhere near as small as mine. It’s not me that you have to convince to fucking do something when I’m the one who wants those “extremistic” measures being taken.

          • And where am I ruling that out? I never said that this resistance would always be peaceful. But the sooner you start coordinating with the people around you, the better prepared for that violence we will be, and the better our chances are to prevent a lot of deaths. You can claim otherwise, but sitting alone while my neighbors and friends die is unconscionable to me.

            But what am I deluding myself about? I have literally admitted that what we do may not be able to fix things entirely, but we doom ourselves more if we don’t take action. You obviously know that already, given your statement about your footprint, so why are you arguing against another person calling for direct action?