• Eugene V. Debs' Ghost
    183 months ago

    “If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.”

    • Thomas Jefferson

    Were the people who fought against the rapid corruption and authoritarianism of Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, and Stalin-era Russia unjust for refusing to obey the laws that told them to kill Jews, Chinese and anarchists?

    Were the slave abolitionists in America wrong for freeing slaves, by illegal means? Were women who pushed for greater bodily autonomy by disobeying sexist laws incorrect?

    It is your moral duty to resist any law that imposes an unjust inequality to anyone and everyone.

    • Annoyed_🦀 A
      -43 months ago

      There you go, a call for insurrection, just like the right did when they lose. But ohh this one is done for good where the unjust haven’t even started yet. The progressive lawmaker is working hard to trump-proof their state while the lefties is looking for insurrection. Lot of self own within america lately.