this user is a mod of a huge .world news community btw

  • aiccount
    -623 months ago

    You’re going to have your mind blown when you find out that Islam came out of judism. There was a time when there were many jews and literally not a single Muslim on the planet. Christianity and Islam are groups of x-jews that murdered, raped and destroyed anything in their path. They pushed jews out of the land. I know this is all impossible to you because in your made-up world, nothing existed before the 1940s. That’s just what happens when you are so against learning, it puts you into wacky made uo worlds that make no sense. The thing you hate is the thing you defend, you just can’t be bothered to look at things from a deformed and chopped up world view. It makes sense, complexity takes effort.

      363 months ago

      Ah yes, the very differentiated worldview of “Christianity and Islam are groups of x-jews that murdered, raped and destroyed anything in their path.”

        93 months ago

        The reality of it is that the abrahamic religions have all always had a militaristic bend to them because of their “our god is the only right god” belief.

        The Jewish people were this way before Christian’s and Muslims existed.

        Then the Jewish and Christian’s were this way before Muslims existed.

        Then the Jewish and Christian and Muslims were this way when they all existed.

        Shockingly the uniting thread between all three is HUMANITY and TRIBALISM.

          3 months ago

          Oh I won’t pretend there hasn’t been a lot of violence in the name of religion. I was just annoyed by the the wining about undercomplex worldviews combined with this absolute unit of a broad brush in the same comment.

      3 months ago
      • Everything you said has nothing to do with what we were discussing, which is Israel and its backers dehumanizing the Palestinian people, and if it did it would be no justification for genociding them
      • That’s not how any religion works, we are not just all ex-zoroastrians. That all Abrahamic religions share a common origin is common knowledge.
      • Thank you for getting condescending, I can now feel justified in saying you’re either a troll or an idiot and I’m not going to waste any more time on you. Feel free to take the last word.
      • aiccount
        -113 months ago

        It’s so interesting how the most condescending people always see facts as condescending. It really just is the case that you can be wrong. As you get older and learn to not mindlessly repeat headlines you will see just how absurd you used to be.

    • NoneOfUrBusiness
      163 months ago

      This is… I have no idea what to say. That said, you do know that the Middle East was a safe haven for Jews during the Middle ages right?

    • алсааас [she/they]M
      3 months ago

      (person is ofc permabanned)

      meme described below

      image description:

      Caption: “Zionists be like:” picture of a lizard standing in front of a house entrance, saying: "Hello… 300 million years ago my grandfather tyrannosaurs rex used to live here. GET OUT!

      • Zagorath
        23 months ago

        This would be way funnier (and more historically accurate…though still not exactly accurate) if it was a chicken instead of a monitor.

    • @spujb@lemmy.cafeOP
      3 months ago

      gross! crazy to write this

      humans lives are actually more important than preserving random human race lore structures from millennia ago

      like it’s still okay to respect and pay homage to them, but as soon as the existing generation ticks over and people have lived their entire lives and built thriving communities for one another, it’s bad actually to use that lore to excuse killing and displacing them. nasty.

      • aiccount
        -53 months ago

        You are preaching to the choir. All this madness goes away when people quit convincing their children that Israel is some magical land that a space daddy wants everyone to fight over to they get special toys after they die. You want this to end, then start spreading the fact that it is all BS and magic land isn’t actually a thing.

      73 months ago

      8 When they asked if there was some group out of the tribes of Israel that had not gone to the gathering at Mizpah, they found out that no one from Jabesh in Gilead had been there; 9 at the roll call of the army no one from Jabesh had responded. 10 So the assembly sent twelve thousand of their bravest men with the orders, “Go and kill everyone in Jabesh, including women and children. 11 Kill all the males, and also every woman who is not a virgin.” 12 They found four hundred young virgins among the people in Jabesh, so they brought them to the camp at Shiloh, which is in the land of Canaan. 13 Then the whole assembly sent word to the Benjaminites who were at Rimmon Rock and offered to end the war. 14 The Benjaminites came back, and the other Israelites gave them the young women from Jabesh whom they had not killed.

      - Judges 21:8-14

      Emphasis mine.

      Funny thing is, I can read old books too. And history shows that we all come from shitty people who murdered, raped, and ethnically cleansed the weak who stood in our way, be it for loot, ‘manifest destiny’, land, religious/racial purity, or just because sometimes.

      Just because you’re looking at it from your lens and filter of bias does not make that exclusively true.

    • Zagorath
      13 months ago

      My take: the history is indeed complicated. Christians and Muslims throughout history have been fucking awful. To each other. To themselves. To Jews. Historically speaking, probably the best of those relations was between Muslims and Jews who lived in lands ruled by Islamic dynasties.

      It’s not exactly right to say that Christians and Muslims “are groups of x-jews” though. Because those religions are both proselytising religions, while Judaism is not. The vast majority of Christians and Muslims are not descended from Jews, or perhaps have only the tiniest amount of Jewish heritage waaay back. Because they or their ancestors were converts not from Judaism but from paganism or other people not “of the book” (as the Quran puts it).

      Regardless, none of this is relevant. What’s relevant is that apartheid and genocide are bad. No matter who does it. It would be bad if Anglo Saxons did it to Indian immigrants in 2000, but would be equally bad if Indians gained the power to do it to Anglo Saxons. It would be bad if Celtic Britons did it to Anglo Saxons in 500, and equally bad if Celtic Britons were to do it to Anglo Saxons. It’s bad when Ashkenazi (i.e., recent immigrants of a European background, who make up the majority of the political elite of Israel) Jews do it to Palestinians.