Use this thread to share with us what you’re having, from breakfast to second breakfast, brunch, lunch, tea time, dinner, supper! Don’t be shy, all food are welcome!

Image are encouraged! Simply upload your image here or use alternate image hosting site(like imgur) to host your image, then link it here by using ![](image_url.jpg) formatting.

  • @dcxA
    21 year ago

    Crunch meal. Takeout pork and some quick vegetables

    It’s pretty handy to have a menu of super quick and healthy ish meals. Good fuel is extra important when IRL is intense!

  • @IkanCelupTepung
    1 year ago

    Coffee and cookies for now.

    (Uploading pic still wonky)

    • Annoyed_🦀 🏅MA
      21 year ago

      Sorry about that :x

      At the mean time you can either resize it down below 1mb or upload it on image hosting site, then link it here via ![](image_url.jpg) formatting

    • @dcxA
      21 year ago

      It might work now I think!