Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has endorsed President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign, a sign of the president’s strength in uniting his party to have the backing of one of its most liberal members

    32 years ago

    Old man who vaguely agrees with my politics and is just mildly disappointing or a literal shit filled dumpster fire? Hmmm tough choice.

    • How is Biden disappointing? Before he became President he gave every indication of being yet another appeasement-oriented centrist, but he’s actually gotten a surprising amount done. Biden has ended up being far better than I expected him to be.

        12 years ago

        Before I start, let me say that Biden absolutely has my vote, because the alternative is the end of our democracy.

        I’ll also say he’s away better than I thought he’d be.

        But here’s how he’s a disappointment:

        1. He failed to appoint an attorney general that would give us a special prosecutor to go after Trump for the most egregious case of Obstruction of Justice in the history of the country, as laid out in the Mueller report. This was a matter of national security, should have been the first set of indictments against Trump, and should have happened a couple years ago.

        2. Student loans. Our economic engine requires a strong consumer class… Right now two generations of Americans are drowning in debt, and can’t buy goods and services from other Americans. It’s hurting EVERYBODY. Biden should be aiming to erase ALL student debt. Instead he’s taking half-measures that leave the United States still in crisis. And that’s BEFORE we talk about how weak his attempt to do this was, from a legal standpoint.

        3. Healthcare. We are still in crisis. The ACA was supposed to be a first step. Instead, it has been the only step, and Republicans continue to attempt to chip away at it. Why hasn’t Biden put out a universal healthcare plan? Or at least a public option? How can we ever make progress when he won’t even be the standard-bearer for these ideas?

        4. The Supreme Court was captured by fascist theocrats. Any future moderate (to say nothing of liberal) laws will be struck down by these assholes. Why is Biden not talking about packing the court until it once again reflects the values of the overwhelming majority of Americans?

        I could go on, but the jist here is that the United States is in absolute crisis, and like Hillary before him, Biden is the “nothing will essentially change” or “incremental change” candidate. Not acceptable during an emergency.

      • Pili
        12 years ago

        He literally called Cuba “terrorist” just a few days ago, and did the same for Xi a little while before that. He also kept in place all of trump’s international sanctions, and even added new ones on top.

        He seems to try really hard to be agitative, I don’t understand how someone could see him as “appeasement-oriented”.

        -12 years ago

        If you’d told me we could virtually eliminate Russia’s army and remove them as a competitor on the world stage for a couple billion bucks with no american troops in 2020 I would have taken that deal any day.

      • JD Squared
        -12 years ago

        Now imagine what he could accomplish if the people in this thread who complain so much actually went out and grassroots volunteered and got some progressives elected in their districts.

      12 years ago

      Yeah, I’m not a Biden fan by any stretch, but he went way more left than team I thought he would, and has been very effective on a number of issues.

      I’d rather have almost any other prominent Democrat, to say nothing of an actual liberal, but I can live with 4 more years of Biden. He’s the only realistic candidate in the party. No one was going to win a primary challenge against him.

    02 years ago

    Like I get that is what we probably are getting, and fine, he is better than whatever the republicans are putting forward, so I’ll vote for him.


    Come on

    I wish, so much, we had a better candidate

      22 years ago

      Yeah, the Democrats really fucked up by uniting against Bernie in 2020, and Warren fucked up by not getting behind him.

      So we’re stuck with Biden, who aims too low on all our critical issues.

      But it’s vital to understand that we ARE stuck with him. There’s no path to victory for anyone else in the party.

      So it’s Biden or … A fascist takeover of the country.

      Easy choice.

      Painful. But easy.

      02 years ago

      What exactly has Biden done wrong? He may not be as crazy left wing as you’d prefer, but really I don’t see why so many on the left are saying he’s so bad

      • Irlut
        02 years ago

        Although I think Biden has overall done a good job I am disappointed that they’re running someone who is 80 years old. I would also like to see a general shift to the left, but at the same time I realize that the increased political division in the US makes this unlikely in the near term.

        • prole
          02 years ago

          Giving up the incumbent advantage at a time like this is short sighted at best, and destructive and dangerous at worst.

            2 years ago

            People always have some reason ready to roll out when telling you to settle for some shitty candidate you don’t really like. I’m done with it. I compromised on Joe Biden to save America from Trump. I compromised in every election for my entire adult life. Now I’m voting for people I actually like. If the US is collectively dumb enough to go back to the GOP then we deserve the consequences of that choice.

            You can call that selfish if you want but I’ve been waiting 35 years for the compromise candidate to be the one from my camp and there’s always a bunch of armchair poly-sci experts coming out of the woodwork to explain why that would be irresponsible in the current political climate. Well too bad, I’m not voting for the geriatric anymore.

    • Ab_intra
      2 years ago

      To run for president you need to be at least 35. She is currently 33. This is the same for VP.

    • littleblue✨
      02 years ago

      At least make her VP so when Bernie becomes a Force ghost, we’ve got someone on the inside at the top.

        • littleblue✨
          12 years ago

          I was there for the sparrow landing moment at the Moda center, back when. Literally 100ft from the podium (on the clock), and after that sight? I gotta say: I wouldn’t be surprised.

    02 years ago

    Biden wasn’t my first choice in 2020 and I really wish he was younger, but he has done extremely well as President so far. If he wins again and stays healthy, I have almost no concerns he will continue to get things done.

      02 years ago

      Yes… Destroying Unions and allowing the Supreme Court to undo 50-100 years of progress was doing extremely well as a president.

        02 years ago

        Unfortunately you’re displaying your ignorance. Biden has zero influence on the currently-ghastly Supreme Court. In fact given how little actual power a President has here, Biden has accomplished a lot, despite the razor thin Democrat majority (and Manchin! and Sinema!) in the Senate.

          12 years ago

          I mean, he doesn’t really have direct power to control the court, but the court is vulnerable and responsive to public opinion and he could do more on that front. We have justices themselves saying the court is acting unconstitutionally and Biden’s putting out statements worried about how expansion would “politicize” the court. The more worried they are with their legitimacy the less bold they are in their rulings.

  • /home/pineapplelover
    02 years ago

    wtf is happening. This is a - rep for AOC in my eyes. She realizes the fucker is real old right? Elect someone younger please.

      -112 years ago

      In principle I agree, but splitting the Dem vote is a good way to lose an election. Biden is a compromised candidate, but still leagues better than another 4 years of Trump. Fact is there’s no real chance of a younger president until 2028. Which is depressing.

  • Grant_M
    -12 years ago

    She understands that we are under attack by a global RW fascist insurgency. Keeping the GOP out of the WH will save democracy in the US and around the world. Any GOP winner would stand back and allow the russian terrorists to take Ukraine and beyond.

  • Black AOC
    -12 years ago

    Been telling people she’s about as fugazi as cubic zirconium in a Tiffany storefront; I don’t know why people keep expecting anything resembling revolutionary intent or even as much as spine out of tHe SqUaD.

      02 years ago

      I’m about as liberal as you’ll ever find, and a huge fan of AOC. Definitely NOT a fan of Biden.

      However, I’m really happy to see her supporting Biden’s reelection, since there is no path forward for any liberal challenger this cycle.

      So it really does boil down to mediocre, tired, do-little, centrist Biden… Or… THE END OF OUR DEMOCRACY.

      Trump is a fascist wannabe dictator who will use the presidency to escape his criminal charges and/or convictions. He has already stated that he will do a loyalty purge of the entire federal government. He already tried to overthrow our democracy. At this point anyone who joins his administration will be totally on board with that. He’s also stated he will be doing a massive power grab to turn the presidency into a something like a kingship.

      So, yeah … I’m glad AOC has enough sense to understand that right now the most important thing is to stop Trump, and that the only way to do that is to hold our nose and get Biden a second term.

      • Black AOC
        2 years ago

        …And? Y’all are going to keep this cycle going forever if you can. “Boy who cried ‘Wolf’” type beats. There’s always gotta be a worse boogeyman who’s gonna do worse to ‘democracy’ that my people don’t even get to partake of proper without getting redlined, incarcerated, or murdered by the state you want me to prop up for even trying. So from where I sit, the enemy of my enemy is most certainly not my friend or ally. Get fucked.

  • Ertebolle
    -112 years ago

    Age notwithstanding, any incumbent president in the last 50 years would be absolutely overjoyed to run for re-election with Biden’s record; tons of new blue-collar jobs, strong economy, relative lack of major fuck-ups or controversies or other drama except manufactured RW ragebait. Basically everything swing voters want and nothing they don’t want.

    Nor is there any real reason to fret about base turnout, given that liberals will view the Republican candidate winning as apocalyptic and show up simply to vote against that person, however disappointed they may be in Biden and whatever performative statements they make about their votes not being guaranteed.

    • BananaTrifleViolin
      02 years ago

      From abroad at least Biden seems like a very poor candidate. As he’s chosen to stand again the dems have little choice but get behind him or risk a devisive primary season splitting the party.

      But the republicans look set to select a very poor candidate too. It says a lot about how broken US politics is that were probably going to see a rerun of the last election with two elderly candidates battling it out in a deeply divisive and particularly polarised election.

      The election will basically come down to how many people don’t like Donald Trump. That’s not great.

          12 years ago
          • He promised he wouldn’t run.
          • He’s old and likely has experienced cognitive decline.
          • He’s the most anti-union president since Reagan, and supposedly a Democrat.
          • The border is as bad or worse than under Trump.
          • He’s not actually able to campaign effectively for himself or others.
        12 years ago

        Not only is he old, but he’s pretending that doesn’t matter. I think that’s pretty disingenuous.