If you don’t use Spotify, what’s your favorite artist and song right now?
They called me a vampire for listening to too much “emotional, atmospheric music.”
and you’re not going to SHARE what this emotional, atmospheric music was?
I believe the responsible parties are: Lorn, less.people, The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble, Death in Vegas, Shlohmo, Ramin Djawadi, and Gustavo Santaolalla.
Not really my jam but I tracked through a few tracks of each band. I will say threw things.
- The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble is a fire band name.
- Something about that song they have Embers feels nice.
- Their description overall was very apt.
Samhain Labs is my jam off that album. TKDE is something else, that’s for sure.
I suppose you’re right, just wasn’t expecting to earn ‘Vampire’ today. Looks like I’ll be watching Louis and Lestat this evening.
You and I might be music brethren. Think that about sums up my year in music.
deleted by creator
My top artist was Tenacious D, and my top song was Virtual Insanity by Jamiroquai.
He does not need a microphone. His voice is fucking POWERFUL!!!
Funnily enough, that was my most listened song from them! I got to see them do it live during the Spicy Meatball Tour, and his voice is fucking (fucking) POWERFUL!!!
That is epic! Jealous.
My wife wrecked my algorithm. 🤣
My kid did mine too. My #3 song was “Everything is Awesome” from the Lego Movie.
Uh huh. Your kid. Sure. 🤣
If you could turn back time
If you could find a way
You’d take back cher.
Most played artist: Yellowcard
Most played song: Sharks - Imagine Dragons
Every time someone says I should check out Imagine Dragons I just start to imagine dragons. Then I’ve got not time for music.
Imagine dragon deez nuts across your face. Gottem
Gottem balls in ya holes, haha gottem
oh shit
I feel like I need to revisit Yellowcard, one of their albums got heavy play in my early teenagehood.
They just went back on limited tour for 20th anniversary of Ocean Avenue and I got to finally see them in concert. It was amazing. They also said that they were thinking about coming out with some new stuff.
For me Delain is my top artist, and Surgery from The Vincent Black Shadow was my top song!
I have no idea how that is. But our usernames are…related. So, I felt compelled to respond.
edit: that Vincent Black Shadow song is pretty good
The Vincent Black Shadow is fantastic but they broke up way too early and only have two albums :(
For the first time in many years I’ve no EDM in my top five…feels weird. And apparently, I like A Day to Remember a lot more than I thought.
What were your other top genres? Why do you think you’ve transitioned away from EDM? I feel like I’ve been slowly listening to EDM more over the years (and pop is always my staple), but this year R&B managed to sneak its way into my top five.
Why? Access probably. I get exposed to a lot of EDM from friends and I do really love it a lot. My favorite right now is Apashe.
On the flip side, I’m older. Radio is gone far as I’m concerned so my rock/metal taste have just kind of sat there until this year I got annoyed and for a while made a concerted effort to find new music I like. But now that list has sort of stagnated again. I just don’t have the time.
Radio sucked, and continues to suck. But it did act like a kind of filter for the previous generations. With it gone those few of us who are still interested in new music have a harder time.
Ah yeah fair. I try to use Spotify’s algorithms to my advantage to find new stuff I like, but I only seem to resonate with a new song it suggests every now and then.
Years back before Spotify I used to use Pandora. Idk if they are still around but their radio feature always seemed better than Spotify to me. It’s been years though.
I was one of the first subscribers to Pandora. They actually emailed me and gave me 6 months free as a thank you for being the first x number of subscribers. It used to rule. But last time I checked it out I was a bit disappointed. Its like it got dumber somehow.
Unfortunate, but not too surprising I guess, especially because it’s not popular anymore.
Pandora used to have the best radio feature, but it just didn’t have a way to go back and play a song you liked. So I switched to Spotify and I guess most others did as well.
The main reason I stick with spotify is its generated for me playlists. Some weeks they can be pretty bad but a lot of the time they have songs that I end up adding to my liked songs. It’s actually how I found the top 5th band on my wrapped 2023 and 4 of the 5 top songs.
If you haven’t used the Playlist like discover weekly or the daily mix ones, I highly recommend trying them.
Spotify does have its own radio feature. Find a song and open the context menu and select Go to Song Radio. I use this sometimes but I don’t think it works as well as the playlists.
Yeah I use the song radio all the time. Problem is it’s not a true radio but it’s just a pre-made playlist of a certain number of songs. I feel like with Pandora, whenever I started a radio it would morph over time and not just play the same 20 songs on repeat. Maybe I’m misremembering though.
I don’t know for sure but I would guess Pandora worked the same, it just didn’t show you the list. There is a feature in Spotify for it to continue playing similar songs once it hits the end of a list but I think the initial list is always the same for that song or artist radio.
I don’t think the web player version of Spotify seems to have that feature. Unfortunately, there are a lot of things the web player lacks, but I can’t download the app on my work computer.
When I’m at home I’m usually on my phoje on the mobile app which seems to have most features though.
Try the Spotify DJ feature. Still in Beta, but seems fun.
I have been enjoying it a fair bit, but I wish it was just a random shuffle and didn’t have the annoying voice interrupting every few songs
I’m actually having fun with the DJ feature as well. Sure it need some tuning, but I like how it switches up genres and plays different types of music.
Does the “DJ” talk a lot? I saw that yesterday, but when I clicked it, they went on for a while to introduce themselves, and I noped out of it because listening to a DJ talk is exactly why I avoid listening to the radio anymore.
“He” talks the most the first time since he introduces the concept. Then be seems to jump in every 5ish songs to switch up the genre, like “let’s go back to 2020 and play some of your favorite songs” or “here are some songs from when you were growing up”.
King Gizz, Zappa, and TMBG are all favorites of mine!
Apparently you’d love it in Santa Cruz
Nice! You good good taste 👌
Man this looks like the bins when I worked at a record store in 2005.
I thought exactly the same, if GuyDudeman isn’t in his mid thirties I’d be stunned.
Top artist: Zeal and Ardor
Top song: Endeavour by Together to the Stars
I recently switched to hyperpipe and YouTube, but anyway
Favorite new album though, probably afterthoughts by red vox
Caravan Palace
TrashcanUpvote for Caravan Palace
I tried to find someone with a higher play time lol
Not easy to do. Breaking 100k minutes would be at the upper edge of my Spotify listening limit.
Reasonable! I usually need music to focus on work. I also have music going any time I’m driving, for sure. And sometimes I even have it going when I sleep–although, I don’t think I did a lot of night music in 2023. Definitely more 2022. I think my number was in the 180s last year, maybe because I’ve been watching more Youtube videos this year. I should cut Youtube out and go back to music–probably a healthier use of my time lol.
Just topped ya ;). I listen pretty much the whole day.
Killing it, lol. The Aviators must be furries haha
Bit of a mixed bag. Arctic monkeys and fall out boy makes sense as top 2. I think my music taste varies wildly enough that Katy Perry and P!nk must have just sneaked in there over other artists.