When you see that your chili padi is bright red with no hints of green, you know it’s going to pack a real punch.

(Not sure what type of chilli is this but it’s quite commonly used in Malaysian restaurants and quite a bit spicier than regular Bird’s Eye Chilies)



  • @cendawanita
    111 months ago

    (btw, I tried but from my instance I can’t seem to send over my posts. Nvm la, sabar… Lol)

    • Annoyed_🦀 🏅MA
      111 months ago

      Maybe got issue with federation kot. What instance? I go and try see if it’s instance problem

      • @cendawanita
        111 months ago

        my main one, mefi.social. dunno if it’s because running on secure mode (authorized fetch) or what…

          • @cendawanita
            111 months ago

            Oh you need an account to test ke? 🥲🥲 Takpelah because it’s a limited instance only if you kaki metafilter.com

            • Annoyed_🦀 🏅MA
              111 months ago

              Ehh, not federated lah the instance, couldn’t find it in the instance list 🥲

              • @cendawanita
                111 months ago

                Aiyah so how? I’ve been fetching the posts (manually) to share on my other account, macam ok je… What do I need to do? (I’ve subscribed also to a few comms)

                • Annoyed_🦀 🏅MA
                  111 months ago

                  Do the new post from here show up on mefi.social? Mefi.social isn’t in our block list too(it’s empty) :/

  • @NaomikhoA
    011 months ago

    I think this is chili imported from Vietnam. They’re more spicy than our locally grown chili. They’re also less healthy, apparently…

      • @NaomikhoA
        11 months ago

        They’re just poorer quality and not as good for your stomach. I’m not too sure about the details.

        Ofc it’s not that bad la, as long as you’re not eating too much

          • @NaomikhoA
            11 months ago

            Haha… As a spicy food enjoyer this is bearable for me. Maybe I should ask my friend to start eating vietnamese chili lol cause nothing is spicy enough for him anymore…