• Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
    5 months ago

    Videogame 👌

    Off topic, but I haven’t yet seen any manga/anime do zombie good, but i’ve heard the walking dead is nice. Any zombie manga for recommendation?

    • velox_vulnus
      5 months ago

      They’re generally bad - personally, I don’t like overused tropes like harem or cringey “accident” grope. But I think you’ll like this one-shot called Zombie Android. It is dark, btw.

      • Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
        15 months ago

        Oooo, that plot does sound interesting, gonna give it a read!

      • Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
        25 months ago

        I saw a few glimpse of zombieland saga and it doesn’t catch much of my interest, the zombie are way too pretty it looks like cosplay in every scene. I kinda want something serious like walking dead :<

        • @VanHalbgott@lemmus.orgOP
          15 months ago

          Agreed. I guess I clicked on the wrong show on Crunchyroll when I wanted actual zombies.

          Now I can’t forget about those zombies but I won’t spoil the insanity of the show itself.

  • southsamurai
    85 months ago

    I hate to break this to you, but that’s a lot of synonyms. Manga is just a specific format of comics, the way anime is just a specific style of cartoon.

    That being said, a lot of what makes zombies a good horror monster is their numbers combined with the appearance. One zombie is gross and a little scary. A swarm of them is terrifying and disturbing in a much bigger way.

    You can’t draw enough detail into a panel that will carry the same feeling as you can when drawing for a bigger screen size. And, because of movement, you can convey the danger of that mob better. A static image of a horde of zombies hits different than a swarming mass of rotting hunger.

    I’m not knocking the ability of a good artist to convey movement, or to bring a sense of horror to that kind of scene, they can. I’m just saying that when you’re immersed in the moment, reading or watching, the impact of seeing pustulent bodies rubbing against each other in a drive to devour something alive is just more.

    Now, what you can get in static media is up close horror. A good artist can take a moment and give it depth and emotion that is harder to achieve with animation. The more “zoomed in” the image is, the more a still image is going to be able to give the reader time to soak in the sheer terror of what fictional zombies represent.

    I would argue that live action is superior to animated in most ways though. Assuming a halfway decent FX effort and some good camera work, the impact of seeing something that’s more realistic can’t be denied.

  • velox_vulnus
    5 months ago

    Videogames. I like the infected zombie trope from Resident Evil and Prototype.

  • @Omega_Haxors@lemmy.ml
    25 months ago

    Factfeind put it best: Nobody does zombies properly because the whole point of zombies is it’s not about the zombies.