• @dugmeup@lemmynsfw.com
    204 months ago

    And get stuck with Trump cause … that is a better outcome for Arab Americans?

    These guys need to learn to fight the battle in front of them. Not the battle they wish they had. They don’t have a pro-and-anti Gaza war Presidental option.

    • PugJesus
      84 months ago

      No, no, you see, MORE minorities suffering is actual Left Praxis

      Or fucking something. I can’t keep up with the awful takes, honestly. They change all the time.

    • Hyperreality
      4 months ago

      It’s absurd. Biden’s position is shit, but at least he’s slightly critical of Netenyahu. Trump is quite clearly worse than Biden.

      I mean, Trump’s position on West Bank settlements is that they’re perfectly legal. That what amounts ethnic cleansing in the West Bank is perfectly legal. Biden reversed that, restoring the longstanding policy that it is in fact illegal for Israeli settlers to (violently) chase Palestinians off their land.

      I honestly wonder if these people actually give a shit about the Palestinians, or want them to become martyrs for the cause because it’s more politically expedient. If deep down they wouldn’t rather the Israelis kill as many Palestinians as possible, because they think it’ll help them ‘win the argument’.


      • @small44@lemmy.world
        94 months ago

        Does it matter if he critisize Israel or not and declare illegal sentelment illegal when there is zero repercusion on Israel. The US is keeping helping Israel with arms and money. So there is zero difference between Biden and Trump when it comes to helping Palestine

        • @wahming
          -74 months ago

          So you’d prefer wholehearted support for Israel instead?

          • @small44@lemmy.world
            94 months ago

            Biden is just hypocrite. Doing nothing concrete to stop Israel crimes is a wholehearted support to it.

            • @wahming
              -84 months ago

              Hoo boy. I’d wish you the best of luck with trump, except the rest of us will have to suffer his bullshit as well.

              • @small44@lemmy.world
                74 months ago

                Did you read what I said? Both Trump and Biden are equally terrible when it comes to Palestine

                • @dugmeup@lemmynsfw.com
                  4 months ago

                  Not even remotely close. If you think Trump would not start a religious war to stay in power - that is kill the Muslims, then you have no idea how power hungry narcissists work.

                  Except history has time and again given us every example of how they work and think.

                  They get power by pandering to their base (the Christian right) and killing the supposed enemy of that group - in this case a whole of Muslims and Jews and anyone else.

                  So yeah you think this is genocide? Oh boy if the president of the US was for genocide the world would be a slaughterhouse.

          • NoneOfUrBusiness
            14 months ago

            Wholehearted meaning exactly what? What could Trump have done to handle the situation worse?

            • @dugmeup@lemmynsfw.com
              -34 months ago

              Everything! Offer to nuke “the Muslims”. Start a larger war with the A-rabs

              Then pander to his base and start a real religious war in the middle east so he can be a war time president for the Christian right.

              Destroy the NATO coalition.

              Enable Russian expansion in all unstable areas.

              Fuck everyone and everything. Literally and figuratively.

              • NoneOfUrBusiness
                14 months ago

                He could pander to his base with all of this, but he can’t really do any of it (except the NATO and Russia parts but those have nothing to do with Palestine). That’s what I was talking about; Trump would be spouting genocidal rhetoric but there’s very little he can actually do that Biden hasn’t already.

                • @dugmeup@lemmynsfw.com
                  14 months ago

                  You think the President of the United States cannot start a war?

                  With a rabid Congress and Supreme Court to back him up? The speaker is right wing Christian supremecist. This would sell so fast that it’ll make your head spin.

  • @paddirn@lemmy.world
    24 months ago

    With Biden, there’s at least some attempts being made to rein Israel in. They’re not particularly strong attempts and we’re still selling them weapons like its candy, but there’s at least something is being done to try to slow them down, even if ineffective. I think the general fear among leaders from pushing too hard is that if we completely cut off Israel, they’ll just saddle up with Russia or China and we’ll be largely cut off from the Middle East or even being able to influence the peace process (I’m not sure how much we’ve really helped anyways). It’s not like there’s many other partners we can work with in the Middle East that don’t have blood on their hands or questionable values. I would’ve hoped with America being actually rich in oil now that we could just walk away from that region altogether and stop supporting Israel so hard, but for whatever reason we just can’t quit them I guess.

    With Trump, the gloves come off and he’ll probably even give Israel full approval to start committing genocide in the West Bank next. Letting Trump take power seems worse for the Palestinians than anything, there won’t even be a chance at peace in that scenario. Hell, I’m sure he’d probably love to start a war with Iran because he believes war benefits the economy . We had a nuclear deal with Iran that seemed to be working well for both parties that could’ve eventually led to a thaw in relations until Trump killed that deal. Everything he does just seems to be to inflame tensions and ratchet up the chaos.

    Shit sucks for the Palestinians, but handing the keys back to Trump isn’t going to make things any better for them or the region in general.

  • @Live_Let_Live@lemmy.world
    -174 months ago

    if islamists say genocide is happening then it means that it is happening don’t listen to israel, everything they say it is propaganda, only listen to Palestinians, since 0% of them support hamas and even if they do it’s justified resistance against occupier regieme.

    oh fuck throwing an entire country into fascist dictatorship is not enough?, quick some one get petrol so that i can burn my self to death while shouting islamist slogans, i hope that is enough to convince you that i support the leftist muslimist world order.

    please just spare my wife children when the muslims take over and when our families are being sold in the slave market just make sure they get a polite owner.

    oh fuck they are here… no wait see i was typing free pal-

    • @hydroxide@lemmy.ml
      134 months ago

      This is the most deranged comment I have seen on Lemmy today and it wasn’t even satire. Here is your medal 🏅