For my money it’s a tie between Eurydice’s song from Hades, any of the tracks from VVVVVV and Still Alive. But what do you think?
Why? Because upon having said that I know its now playing in all of your heads.
I liked the ‘B’ music best. ‘A’ is a classic but ‘B’ was my jam.
Check out this remix of it from years ago.
Katamari Damacy. It’s got one of the most infectiously joyous soundtracks of all time – an eccentric, richly-produced, and incredibly catchy melange of funk, salsa, bossa nova, experimental electronica, J-Pop, swing, lounge, bamboo flute, hair metal, buoyant parade music, soaring children’s choirs, Macintalk fanfares, and the single best theme song this side of Super Mario Bros. And beyond being insane earworms, many of the tracks have surprisingly deep and meaningful lyrics.; my favorite is probably the beautiful “Cherry Tree Times”, which I’ve seen described as “[using] the gameplay mechanics as a metaphor both for the twinge of nostalgia we could feel even in childhood toward our younger selves and for the experience of falling in love.”
The Halo Trilogy I truly believe is the best video game music. The original from CE instantly became iconic and felt pivotal to the game. Then each iteration tweaked the formula in a way that represented the respective game. The heavy rock Breaking Benjamin style from Halo 2 represents the rebellious nature of the story (and honestly it represented gaming culture at the time). Then the music really matured with a heavy piano theme for Halo 3. The score made you feel the sacrifice of the characters and us saying goodbye to a brilliant story.
Some great tracks:
FFX To Zanarkand is gut wrenching. Powerful and moving. The song captures completely what the story is about.
Came here just to make sure this one was mentioned.
Shit, just the home screen music gets me man.
Command and Conquer Red Alert and the fact that this isn’t top comment, yet alone already mentioned has me seriously doubting the taste of this establishment.
RA2 music better than RA1 music for me.
RA2 is the best RTS of all time, no question.
Yeah TibSun and Red Alert 2 basically defined my music taste in life. Halo got me into orchestra, but everything else can be traced back to C&C
I don’t care which one it is, all 3 had an excellent Hell March.
And while I loved both RA2 and RA3 for their style, CnC Generals was the better RTS just for being better balanced. Unfortunately no memorable music in Generals.
Baba Yetu from Civilization IV is the correct answer. First video game composition to win a Grammy (before there was even a video game category).
How can anything beat Tetris?
Guess what I’m humming right now after reading tetris?
You will all hum it the whole day:
I hadn’t seen that one in years! Thanks for the memory.
Has anyone said Minecraft? I haven’t played games myself for years (well before Minecraft) but live in a house where it was played for hours at a time. Soundtrack never became annoying & whenever I hear it it instantly takes me back in time.
Outer Wilds.
The whole soundtrack is just so atmospheric, I regularly listen to it while working as a kind of focus music, but some tracks are so good I get the chills while listening.
For me it’s is:
- Final Fantasy 7 (sheer volume of classics, listen to it regularly)
- Resident Evil 2 (PSX)
- Tekken 3
- Silent Hill 2
- Spyro (come on, it’s Stewart Copeland!)
have you listened to ff7 lofi remixes on YouTube though? 👀
Or Team Teamworks’ Vinyl Fantasy 7?
Thankyou! I have a lofi playlist and this is going to be added immediately.
I have not, but am going there right now! Any particular playlist?
apologies for the YouTube links but I really dig [this one] ( by Rifti Beats. Every track is gold on that.
This one is pretty good and has neat, nostalgic visuals to go with it.
If you like a little bit more trippy synthwave style this one is very cool too. There’s an FF8 one too.
My vote for best - Secret of Mana
My personal favorite - Jet Set Radio Future
JSRF was incredible. Still listen to some of the songs every now and then. That Xbox bundle that came with it was so good
It’s the entire reason I still own an original Xbox.
I love love you love love me
First instinct was to say Chrono Trigger. My second choice is Tony Hawks Pro skater.
Donkey Kong Country and Diddy’s Kong Quest set some bars when they dropped.
I bought the DK Country album when it came out
DKC3 also had a killer soundtrack.
Katamari Damacy!!!
The entire soundtrack of Nier Automata, for a more recent contender.
Game: Masterpiece. Soundtrack: Masterpiece.
Had to scroll way too far for this