• DarkThoughts
      -302 months ago

      I mean, if you can’t even handle a cat, of course you’ll have trouble with a human child.

        • DarkThoughts
          -212 months ago

          That is cool if you want to be a cleaning lady for some public toilets, but parenting is a bit more than that.

          • @howrar@lemmy.ca
            182 months ago

            Yeah, parenting is a lot more than just cleaning up pee. No one said it wasn’t. It also includes cleaning up pee. I don’t see what you’re getting at.

            • DarkThoughts
              -122 months ago

              Cats do not just pee in random areas for no reason. And them having a cat & kid do this very much indicates issues in regards to them.

              • @howrar@lemmy.ca
                82 months ago

                Okay? So you handle the problem then. I don’t understand why you think that the existence of a problem means someone can’t handle it.

                • DarkThoughts
                  -22 months ago

                  Only for people who clearly cannot be bothered to take proper care for a pet, which is a frightening amount. Most Americans also think the normal size / look of a cat is an obese one, and that healthy weighting cats are “too thin”.

          • @candybrie@lemmy.world
            142 months ago

            There’s a pretty good chunk of time when cleaning up your kid’s pee without losing your cool is all the situation calls for. Could be a baby who isn’t even aware they’re peeing but needs to air out their diaper area to prevent a rash. Or a toddler you’re attempting to potty train. One of the most common potty training methods involves them just being naked and you trying to get them to the potty whenever you notice them peeing until they get the idea. And you doing anything other than being chill about it is gonna cause anxiety around them learning this new skill.

            • DarkThoughts
              -122 months ago

              Cats do not just pee in random areas for no reason. And them having a cat & kid do this very much indicates issues in regards to them.

              • @candybrie@lemmy.world
                122 months ago

                One of the main reasons a cat might pee outside their litter box is a disrupted routine. I can’t imagine how that might happen if you have a newly mobile baby. Must be because this person is a bad parent and cat owner.

  • MrGerrit
    702 months ago

    “ask your father, all I wanted was a back rub.”

  • The Snark Urge
    482 months ago

    This was so unfunny that I’m going to actively be less sarcastic to my kid from now on

  • @jerkface@lemmy.ca
    342 months ago

    Human reproduction is the biggest con. The worst thing is, we’re the ones fooling ourselves.

    • @Spacehooks@reddthat.com
      -272 months ago

      Never had any ambition or dreams that was greater than 1 life time? If not, yeah I could see how it’s pointless to care for another human until its self sufficient.

      If you want any part of you to achieve something past the one life you have, children are the only way ambition can continue. Hell even your kids could not want to continue but you got grand kids and so forth. One of them may. As parent all we so is provide Fondation for the dream to continue.

      • @jerkface@lemmy.ca
        2 months ago

        Some people would say that attempting to reach your own self-fulfulment through your children is a form of child abuse. Certainly it can easily become abusive and I don’t think it’s a positive pattern to encourage.

        Having a child aught not be about what you want or even what you need. That’s backwards, and it’s exactly the sort of lie we tell ourselves to try to post-hoc rationalize a decision that our bodies have made for us, and we want to believe we made for ourselves.

        • @Spacehooks@reddthat.com
          -82 months ago

          I have seen what i think you are talking about. Forcing your kids to be be a famous actor or something. No I’m talking about the dream of living on Mars or experiencing the last star die. Something I cannot do in this lifetime. Why did my grandma, mom, myself work hard and spend responsible if not to pass that down to the next player so they can have a better start, grow it, and continue? I am the summation of 10,000 years of human suffering dreams, ambition, etc. Seems like a waste of all their hard work not to continue. This has nothing to do with what my body wants but what I want. Lol I know plenty of people like my sister who’s body it telling them hard no.

          • @jerkface@lemmy.ca
            2 months ago

            That’s not what I am talking about. I am talking about simple emotional dependence on your children for your own needs. That is a classic abusive inversion of the relationship.

            Once you die, it’s over. Dead people don’t have interests. Making plans for when you are dead is even more irrational than convincing yourself that having children is a benefit to you or anyone else. All this stuff about fulfilling your ancestor’s legacy is romantic twaddle you use to confuse yourself.

            • @Spacehooks@reddthat.com
              -12 months ago

              Confuse myself? I normally associate confusion with not knowing where to go or what to do. I have drive, Ambition, and clear direction since before I left HS. Decades later it still drives me.

              agree it’s over when you die. Isn’t that why we want to make the most of it? If your goal is to live your individual life to the fullest than that’s it. Can’t take anything to the grave but your shirt so spend it all! And 200% don’t have kids. I having burning hate for my father and his kind for that behavior. If your goal is dream of a better tomorrow and struggle for your kids as it had been for thousands of years of human history than that’s it too. Like that’s why we try to save the planet so our children can enjoy it too.

      • DessertStorms
        2 months ago

        Jfc, imagine bringing a life in to this world for the sole purpose of them being a vehicle for your ambition to, what, have some “legacy” you’ve convinced yourself you have, live forever? 🤯🙄🤦‍♀️

        And it’s people like you who are then completely shocked and horrified when your kids don’t want to any contact with you anymore, or when kids of people like you never want to reproduce because they don’t want to inflict a similar existence on to anyone else…

        • @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
          -52 months ago

          Jfc, imagine bringing a life in to this world for the sole purpose of them being a vehicle for your ambition

          Its more that humanity is a long line of tragedy and triumph echoing through eternity, and being able to extend your accumulated wisdom to the next link in the chain is both exciting and challenging in a way nothing else in life really is.

          when your kids don’t want to any contact with you anymore

          That’s a weird thing to say, because I’ve found my parents and in-laws and siblings/cousins to be absolutely invaluable. I think the modern western lifestyle may have seriously fucked this generation. And if you’ve become alienated from your parents AND your kids, that’s definitely a shit existence.

          But I would present an alternative. Don’t. Stay in contact with the people you love, whether that’s blood relatives or found family. Be nice to people and try to make the time together pleasantly memorable.

          Then maybe your kids will want to share that experience with their kids, and you get to add another link in the chain of existence.

        • @Spacehooks@reddthat.com
          -92 months ago

          Lol sole vehicle! No way! thats too short sighted. That’s the whole blood line is for.

          If my kids don’t want to construct a Dyson sphere so be it. I’m not going to force them. What I will do is force them be successful and build upon the success I made so that there is chance I can be part of it in some shape or form long after I’m gone. Squandering all the effort I put into this life like some trash billionare while they willing do nothing with thiers would be the biggest slap in the face to me. Think inception all you have to do put the idea. If it doesn’t take that’s OK they just put another brick down in the foundation.

          • @areyouevenreal@lemm.ee
            102 months ago

            This is the most arrogant thing I have seen in a while. Stop using kids to achieve your own goals. Use people who actually care. It shouldn’t be hard to find people who want to build a Dyson swarm (a dyson sphere isn’t realistic even). As for forcing people to be successful: that’s not how success works, how having kids works, and ignores the shit show that is modern society.

            • @Spacehooks@reddthat.com
              -92 months ago

              Your act like I’m forcing them at gun point. Forcing anything on anyone is counter productive. Me doing what I want has already achieved the goals of many people that came before me. My predecessors didn’t force any of that on me. I wanted it. It’s just statistics and I am just the part of them that met their dreams. All everyone before had to do was keep struggling to get me here. Just like I plan for my children and teach them the value of passing it on so thier kids don’t struggle as hard and have it easier to achieve thier own goals. 40k years later hey maybe something happends that I would love to be there for but that statistical chance will never happen if I don’t have any kids or raise them to be all they can be in world that likes to grind us.

      • @zaphod@lemmy.ca
        2 months ago

        Never had any ambition or dreams that was greater than 1 life time

        Nope. That way lies delusions of grandeur. Life is short and I’d rather focus on living it today rather than worrying about a “legacy” I’ll never experience.

        If you want any part of you to achieve something past the one life you have, children are the only way ambition can continue

        And that way lies the kind of entitlement that leads parents to think their children’s lives are their own.

        You aren’t achieving anything past your life. Your kids are. Their ambition is theirs, not yours. Stop thinking you can take credit for it.

        • @Spacehooks@reddthat.com
          -22 months ago

          Yes and no. 100% fair that you can focus on the now. just think of late game. my grandfather did that to his son and my father did the same and left me nothing and I despise them. Meanwhile my mom and her mom gave me everything I needed to do better than either of them so I fulfilled their dreams of better life by giving thier struggles meaning. And I 1000% Believe my mom and her mom can take partial credit for my achievements. They put the work to get me the foundation for me to do what I did. If my father had custody of me I would selling in jail for selling drugs like my cousins.

          • @zaphod@lemmy.ca
            2 months ago

            And I 1000% Believe my mom and her mom can take partial credit for my achievements.

            And I’ll all but guarantee you they did those things simply because they love you, not because of some grandiose idea of a “legacy” or a desperate need to live beyond their death.

            Planning for the future in order to care for your family and friends is an expression of love, not ambition.

            • @Spacehooks@reddthat.com
              12 months ago

              Totally. I wouldn’t be shocked if it never crossed thier minds. Someone like myself can’t operate without at least 2 specific reasons to do anything. I just gave one that was broad. There other reasons are more like overall personal growth or REVENGE but end of day I really think someone needs to think hard on why they want kids before they have them. My SO mom looks at us with resentment, jealousy, and pettiness because we live the life she didn’t. Of course her mom also did the same to. Just curses all the way back. Can’t have that.

      • @Scubus@sh.itjust.works
        42 months ago

        Lmao, I can’t have dream that are further than next week. By the time my kids grow up, their dreams will be what, the next hour?

        • @Spacehooks@reddthat.com
          -12 months ago

          Yeah lol, I been having this convo with my SO for decades. kind of the issue we all have. Expect in that case like dreams, humans can also pass curses on thier kids.

          Think of it this way, humans been in bad positions since before all this current bs and dreams like flight still happened. Example industrial rev era was trash. To persevere is to achieve victory we can just lay bricks.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      252 months ago

      I’ve had the opportunity to foster kids three times in my life, and every time I would wake up in the morning with this incredible sense of purpose and fulfillment.

      Having someone who relies on you and trusts you and genuinely wants to be around you as much as possible gives a deep sense of meaning to my life.

      Being around someone with this endless curiosity and boundless energy is invigorating. It makes me feel young, in turn. And it gives me an outlook on life I haven’t had since I was very young, myself.

      And babies are fucking adorable! I cannot express how crazy cute babies are. Everything they do makes me smile, even the gross things or the grumpy things, because they do it with such naked sincerity.

      Currently working through the official adoption process with my wife, because we can’t have kids the old fashioned way. And my only real regret is that we didn’t do this shit ten years sooner.

      • volvoxvsmarla
        52 months ago

        Thank you so much for giving me the words to express my feelings better in the future. I could sign every sentence. We were lucky enough to be able to have kids the old fashioned way and I enjoy it to a degree I could not have fathomed before.

        I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you two get through the adoption process fast and easy and that you will soon be happy long term parents to a wonderful child. Also, thank you for giving foster kids a loving home.

  • Optional
    162 months ago

    Why? I . . . I . . don’t know!


    [laugh track]

      • Bob
        42 months ago

        The horny police take you down the horny road to horny jail. Where’s all this horny infrastructure springing from?

    • @GoosLife@lemmy.world
      62 months ago

      That’s crazy. Imagine being the kid who discovers their mom made comics, featuring them - first discovering the comics were widespread but also widely criticized. Then while checking some of the comments, learning that your mom also sells nudes.

      • SatansMaggotyCumFart
        52 months ago

        The creator mentions it herself on Reddit constantly (or she used to a year ago when I still used it.).

  • @lycanrising@lemmy.world
    12 months ago

    I’ve always wanted to carry around a spare change of clothes for myself just in case I get someone else’s pee on them :D

    • @wahming
      212 months ago

      Careful, I remember somebody posting evidence some time back showing the author was some hyper passive aggressive person who’d sic their fanbase on you.

      • @WldFyre@lemm.ee
        42 months ago

        I tried to find info on that but didn’t see anything that supported this. Do you have a source or are you just repeating what you’ve heard?

            • @wahming
              -12 months ago

              Referring more to the comments and discussion in that thread rather than the comic, in case that wasn’t clear. In any case, I have no personal experience or fight in this.

              • @WldFyre@lemm.ee
                22 months ago

                So you’re just repeating some random people online who are complaining about a woman…who pushes back against some online trolls/haters?

                Lol who gives a shit and why would you just throw out such a random claim when you haven’t seen it for yourself anyway? Redditors, famous for reacting respectfully to women and women content creators.

                • @wahming
                  2 months ago

                  Was not even aware she was female until I looked this up, and did not bring up anything to do with gender, so you seem to be making this a sexist fight for no reason.

    • @magnusrufus@lemmy.world
      22 months ago

      It always strikes me as anomalous that there are some that feel compelled to comment that pizzacake isn’t funny but don’t bother expressing approval or disapproval of any other comics

      • 😈MedicPig🐷BabySaver😈
        02 months ago

        Pearls before Swine is awesome. Same with Red and Rover. And of course the true classic of Far Side. And Bizarro is fun, especially the “seek and find”.

              • 😈MedicPig🐷BabySaver😈
                12 months ago

                It’s a public forum. That’s how things work. If it bothers the original artist then that person should either keep their stuff off the Internet or learn to ignore the negativity.

                • @magnusrufus@lemmy.world
                  12 months ago

                  Ah you misunderstood. There are some people that comment positively in comics that they like and some that comment negatively in comics they don’t like and some that do both. The thing that is weird to me is that, seemingly unique to this comic, there are people that feel they have to say that “it’s not funny” just for pizzacake. This group is different from the group that comments negatively in comics in general. They don’t leave comments, positive or negative, for any other comics.

                  Now if you make the habit of going into other comic posts that you don’t care for and leave your criticism on those posts then you fall into the non-anomalous group that has consistent behavior. If you have any pattern of leaving commentary on the quality of comics then you don’t fall into the group I’m talking about really. But if you only comment about comics on just pizzacake posts to just say they are not funny then the shoe might fit.

                  Did you express approval or disapproval for other comics in other posts?