Hello from across the fediverse!

If you’ve contributed to the conversation in discussions in this community you may have noticed you weren’t getting a lot of interaction (at least from outside your instance: lemmy.world). There are a couple of reasons for this and I will unpin this post when the issues are resolved.

The problem is basically that lemmy.world is sending too many activities for aussie.zone to keep up with, this is mostly due to the latency going from Europe to Sydney. There are some features being developed for Lemmy to hopefully fix this issue (expected in 0.19.5). The delay currently means that activities are taking around 7 days to reach aussie.zone.

The admins of aussie.zone do a great job keeping the instance going as a place for us to gather and discuss Australia and related issues so please do not direct any criticism at them over this. To be able to properly interact with our community I would recommend creating an account on another instance for the time being (as far as I know lemmy.world is the only problematic one).

If you’re interested there is currently a discussion ongoing in !meta@aussie.zone (link for aussie.zone users) covering this.

  • Annoyed_🦀 A
    229 months ago

    Hello, i’m the admin from monyet.cc, and here we also faced the same problem, with the connection going from Singapore to other side of the planet is sorta hard for us to keep up as well. Lemmy.world traffic is just significantly higher than the second most active lemmy instance, hopefully the future update will solve this issue.

  • Hanrahan
    119 months ago

    The delay currently means that activities are taking around 7 days to reach aussie.zone.

    That’s some mega lag !

    I have a couple accounts, one on Lemmy.world so I’ll stay away from that.

    Cheers for the work and the info.

    • Ada
      99 months ago

      Basically, jobs are processed in a serial fashion, and each job involves several steps of back and forth communication between the two instances to complete. Add in around the globe latency, and new jobs arrive faster than old jobs can be cleared out of the queue.