Be it Lemmy, Mastodon, or some other instance on some other service.
There is a write up somewhere about this but I can’t find it right now…
There is a mastodon instance that bans the letter “e” it’s basically a writing exercise and challenge.
In response, is born. Where you can only use the letter “e”, even usernames.
Edit: found the write up! It even contains a brief interaction between users from both instances!
This is what the internet is for.
How adorable and weird. This is what I love most about the internet!
that interaction is wonderful lmfao
This has given me a case of the late night giggles.
Haven’t actually seen a lot of weird stuff yet, let’s bring on the weird stuff
The Fediverse: either leave now or stay and get weird! lol
I’ve been down the depths of the weirdest parts of the fediverse, and as someone who was on the internet in the 90s: it’s tame af. Just like the whole internet nowadays.
Just for some context, uncensored pictures of decapitated children used to show up on the front page of reddit and that wasn’t even “the weird part” of the internet.
Lemmy catchphrase:
“Let’s get weird!”
“Lemmy get weird” is right there though!
I’ll start with a mild one:
Booooo, it’s age restricted and I never managed to age-verify my youtube account.
You can watch it on Invidious (which is an open source front end for youtube):
Age verify? You just give an 18+ date of birth when you make the account
I turned 123 years just about half a year ago for most sites I’ve registered to.
This assumes you actually want to sign into a google service. I prefer a violentmonkey script to bypass age verification
That should be your answer. The Fediverse is just as sanitized as the rest of the modern internet. Weirdness is not tolerated.
Oh man that’s a classic
Weird video but that song was a banger. Has an M83/Gunship sound to it. Love it!
thanks for sharing this, music was a vibe, animation was bizarre but i liked it
i have no idea how but when i read your description i knew exactly what song was linked
The fuck did i just watch.
It’s just a matter of time til Dragons Fucking Cars comes around.
I haven’t looked around. I don’t want to run into another Space Dicks, 50-50 or Watch People Die.
I miss watchpeopledie, it was humbling.
I miss FatPeopleHate.
Maybe I remember that sub through rose tinted glasses but i dont remember it hating people for being fat. The negative traits being hated on were things that fit a stereotype that happens to exist among people who are more likely to be fat.
Its probably good it doesn’t exist anymore, there were some really well written stories though, it was like the bad roommates sub.
Humbling; Absolutely!
It also desensitized me and at the same time, made me super anxious driving on two-lane roads or seeing people speeding. So I had to just stop looking at it.
Thats it though, if everyone watched some of that when they start driving maybe they would be more careful. Probably good for some and bad for some.
Like in the machinist world its good to see the videos and pictures of the accidents.
That is true. I think that sub is why I don’t really speed, nor act like a complete cockwad on the road.
I don’t want to lose control and crash into a guardrail that empales half my face, with an eye popping out of its socket and slowly die in agonizing pain.
Seatbelts is another thing I religiously use, after seeing that video of that Russian woman who was launched through a windshield, and rag-dolled like 50 meters in the air, before landing outside of the highway. This was like circa 2013.
Hello. Would you mind explaining ‘Dragon’s Fucking Cars’ and Space Dicks? I dare not even incognito mode google them…
Space Dicks was a sub where men would post photos of their dicks. These were no ordinary dicks though, they were heavily altered. Like a dick flayed open like a split hotdog, crazy piercings, implants… it was just not a pleasant sub to stumble upon.
Thanks. Sounds absolutely fantastic.
spacedicks was a NSFL sub, it had extreme gore and death.
All I ever saw was actual dicks, so I can’t speak to the other gore/nsfl material. I made a reddit account because at that time I could only browse All, and was tired of seeing mutilated penises.
DragonsFuckingCars is literally crude drawings, illustrations, animations, and 3D renders of dragons having literal intercourse with cars.
Spacedicks. I don’t even know if that sub still exists. I’m not even searching if it is.
But, there was like really graphic, NSFL gore and weird Porn on there. I remember one was the aftermath of a teen in Brazil that kicked a bus tire and it blew off his leg and he was just agonizing on the floor, with bone and flesh dangling from whatever was left of his shin. And that was one of the “mild” ones.
Well I’m going to take your word for it and not look them up either. Thanks for the info.
I thought space dicks was pretty funny until it went full on Nazi dog whistle sub.
When I first found it, it was just memes using porn. I never saw any mutilation on there like I’m seeing some people saying. O.o
It eventually became a racist cesspool though, which is what got it banned.
I’ve ran into some furry stuff on Mastodon while browsing the federated timeline.
Nothing that an update to my filters and an eye scrubbing didn’t solve.
…with steel wool. (Actually there are much worse things to unsee)
Bring back SpaceDicks!
Oh dear god no. I forgot about that sub.
Lol…I was.talkingnabout spacedcks the other day… my audience couldn’t believe I had so much to say about it 🤣
Wow, that took me back!
Clop, or even fancier… SpaceClop.
you know, I went to SpaceDicks one time. The first thing listed there was a link to another subreddit that was entirely pictures of horse dicks. It was around about that time that I reached the conclusion that SpaceDicks wasn’t for me.
Furries hold up the tech industry and open source community, it’s just how it is 🤷♀️
I turned off NSFW entirely after wondering what the most recent nsfw community in my feed was. I saw one ‘sissyboy chastity’ …yea time to turn off nsfw.
Uh oh. Those NSFW communities are working fast lol
I’m blocking each and every one of them, and just wait for the day when any app comes with a filter by instance instead of by community. I don’t get the appeal with porn on social media when there are free websites entirely dedicated to it, in better quality, and with more frequent updates.
Because it’s NOT better quality, it’s all spray tanned caked on makeup fake moan noise factory produced bullshit. Or it’s onlyfans.
Forums and the like are the only place to find actual amateur content that people are posting because they enjoy it rather than as a job.
Uhh you seem like you haven’t actually looked. There’s all sorts of amateur stuff on Pornhub and my personal favorite, Spankbang. I’ve got some pretty niche interests, too.
That’s not amateur. That’s “amateur”.
Seriously, I’m so sick of all the porn communities showing up in my feed. I block them and more keep popping up on my feed. It’s like a game of whac a mole, I don’t want to see your butt hole Lisa.
But maybe Lisa has a nice butthole she wanted to share.
On a more serious note, I too dislike porn randomly popping up when I don’t expect it.
Connect can do this
You can block entire instances on kbin.
Technically, yes. Practically, it sometimes fails (bug).
Wasn’t aware, thankfully I haven’t had that issue yet.
And they will keep popping up time and time again if we don’t ask the admins to ban them. Write a message to and explain your viewpoint in a couple of words., nsfw instance. Went there because some of the stuff I’m into had been banned from lemmynsfw, but…yikes. They go a little too extreme into some areas for me aye.
Jfc what are you into that’s banned on the official nsfw?? lol
Not gonna lie I kinda take a peek at that instance…
…I reserve the right to remain silent lol
the official nsfw?? is NOT the official in any way. It’s got questionable content that got them defederated with , which is run by the devs that coded Lemmy.
So, uhh, what is the official one? Just asking for research purposes…
In the fediverse, there is no official anything. Besides, the only other one I know of is
Agree, and they’ve allegedly banned some of their most extreme communities.
It’s now the officially only instance mine has defederated from. Disgusting creeps.
I had the exact experience with the same instance.
I can’t find it now(found it, check comment below), but when I first learned about peertube, i found my way to this strange, almost otherworldly video. Everything was blurry and dark, and the sounds of tearing fabric were ever-present. I have no idea what it could have been, but it had this distinct feeling like I shouldn’t have been watching it. I think about it every now and again.Update, through some hardcore scouring, I did find it. You can watch it here. A friend I was talking to said it might been an AI-generated thing, which would make sense, but I’m not certain. Checking the profile, they’ve only uploaded this one video, and they seem to have a bandcamp with no real information about themselves or why they’ve made this, but they’ve got a few other audio-only tracks that are kind of similar, only much shorter.
Nice. PeerTube instances have gotta be among the stranger spaces of the fediverse if only 'cause they focus on video. It’s not as strange but I stumbled into finding a vtuber covering tech/Linux stuff with what I think was also some text to speech software for the narration, and the TTS wasn’t too bad either (if that’s what it was).
Huh, what’s even more interesting about that video is the split-screen aspect of it almost makes it seem like you might view it in VR or something, but the visuals…Don’t really make much sense for that.
Maybe it was a blurry video of someone (gasp) tearing fabric.
That would make sense, and that’s kind of what I have to think of it as, maybe as an ASMR thing? But it was a rather long video, and what I could see (not much) didn’t seem to be focused on anything that could be described as fabric, like the noise was coming from off-screen.
This thread right here, full of people discovering people different from them put things on the Internet and some of them are weird or gross
Hi you called
Is there a WTF yet? Or a fifty/fifty?
A very right-wing Mastadon server when I first started searching for anyone else on Mastadon in my state (US South East). Scary, scary place.
Ah, /c/Florida on exploding-heads? Me too. Fuck em
Probably that one com where that guy hates his wife.
The political scene has some confused reactionaries who call everyone else a reactionary. Maybe not weird but very prominent
Since a lot of these replies veer into the not safe for life, gross, or sexual, I think I’m just gonna mention the mundanely “weird” few Hubzilla or Misskey instances I’ve stumbled around. It’s less to do with their content and more with the different structure compared to some of the more common website styles you see outside of social media as well as distinct from much social media.
Like Hubzilla almost seems like a techie’s idea of social media right down to the menus listing system apps and users’ having file directories for, well, presumably sharing files? I’ve yet to find a Hubzilla instance with some more active use to see how it would all really pan out, but I have found at least one with some nicer looking css to it.
I think one of my favorite parts of looking through Hubzilla instances is that you can see this interesting potential for it as a cross between MySpace and like some power users’ space for hosting odd web apps and files.
As to Misskey, well, many of the instances I’ve seen just have this really lighthearted vibe to them thanks to the design using a lot of round edges and…Something else with the visuals gives a lot of the instances a softer feel. Some of it’s absolutely the custom emojis, but there’s just a lot of weird playfulness to the way it’s styled, something I don’t think I’ve really seen much in many social spaces online (which is kinda interesting now that I think of it).
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