“Kamala grabs her cop badge” also not sure where to put this, dunk or not.
Last time this was posted i almost died but I’ve got the antibodies this time
Sorry, we’re going to have to put you in a blender to make a vaccine. I don’t think anyone, including myself, will survive otherwise.
Wait this was posted already? I typed in a couple of the words from the tweet but nothing showed up in “related…”.
I couldn’t tell you when but as someone with a lot of time to browse the internet at work I’ve seen every post that gets to the first 4 pages.
I see the tweet was 2 weeks ago so probably like immediately after it got posted to Twitter because some of you comrades really hate yourselves and browse other websites
We ain’t reaching herd immunity with this one gents. We ain’t all gonna make it
Tim Walz is Goku, Kamala is Princess Zelda, Donald Trump is the Joker, and they’re going to have a Yu-Gi-Oh! duel to save democracy. I’m an adult.
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Hey, listen.
You didn’t need to post that.
Why did you post it?
Hm… It’s too late now to delete it. Now we just have to live with it.
[walks off, to melancholically-strummed guitar chords]
The mod has been saying this!
Tim Walz plays mono-green, Kamala plays Azorius and Trump plays a rakdos chaos deck. Is this what liberals do in place of political analysis?
Libs all being EDH players checks out because then they can let someone else win while they try and snatch the win out from under them. Then they can blame someone else for when they still lose. They will deny they play a $5,000 turn 3 format.
Communism is Vintage and Cube with nice proxies.
As an EDH player the majority of my opponents being libs actually tracks. I’ve seen a Kamala shirt at my SNM games.
“Communism is Vintage and Cube with proxies” is certainly a new motto on the magic grad.
I quit the format because I got fed up with the rules committee and their banlist consisting if whatever they lost to the day before. Prices on cards just shooting up and down based on arbitrary bans/unbans. The format being infested with scrubs drove my spike brain bananas.
Oh yeah, local banlists are cancer. I got super lucky with a proxy-cool LG as I couldn’t afford that shit. I still play Vintage too though; modern and EDH just updated their ban-list actually lmfao.
I think Urza’s Saga got banned from something but I can’t quite remember.
Saga and the new anti-zero CMC artifact just got restricted. Grief was banned in both Modern and Legacy. Nadu ate a ban in Modern.
I’m so jelly you get to play Vintage on paper. We have a lot of Legacy players in my area, but we mostly play between rounds of Limited or Standard/Modern. It’s hard getting people into older formats because they just get intimidated by the sheer amount of decks in those formats.
Wizards: “Nadu was a mistake and we didn’t play-test them.” - from the actual website
Is this real? Or is that person an irony poisoned shitposter?
Edit: oh god, he is an elected official. This is totally real… kill me please.
Either it was deleted by Musk or the dude actually took it down after he got Xitter to laugh at him.
What a freak either way…
implied extrajudicial beating
of a child, by adults,under color of authoritythese are the people complaining about “impending fascism” but they have no class analysis so violence to maintain the system doesn’t even register for them
No no, they’re just going to beat the child’s father in front of him. Totally different.
This doesn’t even make any sense, either. Culturally neither of these people would throw a punch. They’ll call code enforcement on him because his fence is too close to the easement or something then when he’s tearing it out go over to tell him what a shame it was, what a nice fence, who would call code enforcememnt on such a nice fence?
No see when you matter to them they’ll move heaven and earth. If they don’t pick you up from school when you have a tummy ache, it’s because you weren’t loyal enough.
oops you’re right, my mistake
That’s a great point. I was laughing at the marvel-brain but the idea that they don’t even realize the abuses in their own fantasy is kinda terrifying in it’s own way.
It’s funny - chuds are open about their violent fantasies and libs sublimate theirs through parasocial family dynamics.
It’s all sexual pathology deep down.
We’re getting dangerously close to having to admit Freud was right about at least one thing and I think I fuckin hate it
Freud said that when a mommy imperialist nation and a daddy imperialist nation love eachother very much they make Israel.
These people having no understanding of fascism beyond “fascism is when swastika”
Until the swastika is next to blue and yellow, then it’s complicated
No, no, fascism is when JD Vance bullies ME at the playground, ten-key.
Fascism is when you break windows which is why auntee fuh is the real fascist.
Benjamin Netanyahu is the neighborhood serial killer who’s using aunt Kamala’s gun to do a school shooting every day.
A racially motivated one, while we’re at it
Grandpa Joe keeps giving weapons to the neighborhood serial killer Benjamin Netanyahu despite everyone begging him to stop. His stockpile of weapons will probably get passed onto Kamala after he is gone, and she’s already said she doesn’t intend to stop giving him weapons, either.
Mr.Wilson wants settlements.
Kamala keeps leaving a box of 9mm rounds on his doorstep each morning, but says there is nothing she can do to stop the shooting.
This hurts me so much I have half a mind to remove it. But I will be strong
Made the mod cringe, didn’t realize this had that kind of power.
Why do they always put themselves so close to these people in their fantasies? JD Vance is your bully? Kamala Harris is your aunt (I’m glad they didn’t call her Mom - There are enough sad men out there projecting mother issues onto women) and Tim is your dad?
They want to be the child of the main character so bad. Too bad they’ll be sacrificed on the altar of capitalism like the rest of us.
It’s a TV show. They might as well be talking about The Office.
Imagine forfeiting the complexity of your own human experience and the relationships within to live in shitty political fan fiction.
That’s just the DNC and American politics overall.
There are enough sad men out there projecting mother issues onto women
Thank you Aaron Regunberg for daring to be different by being a sad man projecting your aunt issues onto women.
Lol, it’s probably because he couldn’t picture himself being blood- related to a person of color. That would’ve been too unrealistic.
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I fucking haaaaaaaate this. People do it with the British royal family and I just want to tell them to shut the fuck up Washington should have crossed the Atlantic after the Delaware so he could string that entire group of people up the palace walls. “Harry did this,” “Charles did that,” I don’t fucking care. They’re pedophile apologists, racists, and their crimes are deserving of a thousand years in the worst versions of Hell.
I didn’t figure out their actual names are “Winchester” until I was like 22 years old.
Beto O’Rourke is making your calves cramp
I think they’re unable to empathize or relate to experiences or conditions of others without relating it to themselves in some sort of way so they can process it properly. Would match with the inability to conduct a proper analysis of class.
These people view media and insert themselves in the narrative as another character. They see themselves as another member of the Fellowship of the Ring, or another cape in the Marvel films like they’re Hawkeye’s cousin or whatever. It was only a matter of time before it seeped into politics because political media is an edutainment circus at this stage.
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DNC on Ice
Oh are we nesting reactionaries now?
Just pairing reactionary economic thinkers with reactionary behavior analysis?
Had no idea that guy was an “economist” lmao
Fascist matryoshka but its just a liberal on the outside
Rothbard is one of the libertarian “”“thinkers”“”" peddled by the Kochs and IIRC advised Pinochet on economic policy.
As much of a thinker as I am a grand strategist after a drunk night of Warhammer.
You are a grand strategist when you drink and don’t let anyone tell you differently.
Sometimes a person needs to hear it ✊
Holy shit thats so crazy, I didn’t think he’d be that comically evil
Yes, he’s one of the objects of “read theory” for righties and supply-side economists.
But also the idea that “zero pussy makes you a monster” is rape culture, repeating the idea that you can’t be esteemed by others or yourself if you don’t have penetrative sex, and that the only way to keep your humanity is to “get pussy (or dick, depending on your sexuality)”.
This is why we invented the volcel Cheka.
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I will never forgive you
When will it end?
Who wants to start a gofundme and get this guy into Penguin House?
Foh with that weak shit. Your parasocial surrogates ain’t about to do a fucking to them cept capitulate over and over to these guys even when you get majority seats (will override shit to give military arms though) and bust it wide open like kermit when they threaten a government shut down.
kermit goatse of all fucking things :peltier-laugh:
He needs a little gold-colored felt ring
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Kamala is mommy, Tim is daddy, I’m in the middle~
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Israel is in the middle.
Even in his fantasy he’s the one being bullied and doesn’t at least stand up for himself.