In an episode of Two Nice Jewish Boys, which aired three weeks ago, host Weinstein said: “If you gave me a button to just erase Gaza, every single living being in Gaza would no longer be living tomorrow. I would press it in a second.”

He claimed that “most Israelis” would do the same.

Meningher added that they would also want to wipe out Palestinians in “the territories”.

The clip of Weinstein and Meningher lauding the idea of all five million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and West Bank being wiped out has drawn fierce criticism online.

“Radio Rwanda in full effect here. This is deeply disturbing,” journalist Samira Mohyedeen wrote on X, referring to the broadcasts that incited genocide against the Tutsis during the 1994 Rwandan genocide.

    1367 months ago

    Maybe all Israelis need to visit Dachau or Auschwitz to remember how being actively erased isn’t a good thing. How quickly it’s forgotten.

    • AtHeartEngineer
      707 months ago

      Ya this was my exact thought, this is Nazism, pretty much the definition of it.

      147 months ago

      Or the Warsaw ghetto… you know… a segregated part of a country bring reduced to ruin with technological superior weaponry, due to a people resisting the oppressive regime of a racist state.

    1117 months ago

    Israel can fuck right off. Clearly, “never again” doesn’t mean fuck all to the Israeli government who are doing the same shit the Nazis did, only with bombs instead of gas chambers.

    Fuck Israel. The US should have stopped giving them money decades ago.

          -237 months ago

          Seems like what you’re doing fr. So lemme get it right, terrorists murder Israeli’s for generations, no problem that’s fine. Israeli’s fight back and they’re genocidal maniacs? Get bent bud, you worried about the people in Gaza then blame the government that allowed terrorists to overthrow and take control of Gaza not the Israeli’s who are sick of being slaughtered.

  • Mammal
    7 months ago

    A few months ago I started using Google Translate to read what Israelis are saying amongst each other in their mainstream publications and forums.

    My. God. Levels of entitlement and racism that would make a Klansman blush.

    Sure, a lot of them want a cease-fire to get the hostages back … and most don’t like Netanyahu … but the average Israeli Zionist is a racist monster.

      417 months ago

      You have to remember that the people who post comments on news articles are not average. Look at any English news site article and its full of the most bottom of the barrel idiots. The majority of people don’t comment on things like this.

      • Mammal
        7 months ago

        I’m not referring to powerless, mouth-breathing, NEETs who normally lurk forums.

        But I’m referring to comments from actual members of the Israeli Knesset, public statements from people like the OP, printed editorials in mainstream publications, and modern Israeli celebrities.

        When you read through the translations not meant for western audiences - the racism pops out disturbingly. It’s such a part of their culture that they don’t even notice it as such. Zionists really don’t view people in the West Bank or Gaza as humans.

      • Alex
        77 months ago

        It’s a good thing to keep in mind but it’s a different culture, right now they can’t decide if torture and rape of prisoners is okay.

      347 months ago

      You have to remember that their religion teaches them that non-jewish humans are, well, ‘not that important’

      To put it mildly

        -77 months ago

        The vast majority of Jewish people in the world realize this is wrong and ignore this part of their ancient teachings. Don’t go shaming the whole religion over some violent extremists.

        Israel was also secular when it was founded. Look it up. This is 100% on their government and right wing extremists and not Judiasm as a whole.

        • Mammal
          167 months ago

          I do my best to always use the word Zionist before the word Israeli.

          Israel’s secularism is irrelevant to the overall racist ideology of Zionism that permeates Israeli society.

            7 months ago

            Because if the majority of people following a particular religion reject a prior view as false or wrong, then arguably that view is no longer part of the religion.

            Religions aren’t crisp, unchanging, monolithic entities where everybody believes the same thing forever. If we’re talking about judaism in the sense of the views and practices jewish people actually subscribe to, then that seems like we are referring to beliefs they actually hold in a mainstream/current sense, not beliefs they previous held but now reject?

              47 months ago

              So you’re saying that because a religion allows you to choose which of God’s commandments, carefully passed down through every generation, you personally want to follow based on your gut feeling, can’t be shamed?

              Why should the ones who choose to deny parts of their religion be seen as representative of it over those who’ve chosen to uphold them?

                7 months ago

                So you’re saying that because a religion allows you to choose which of God’s commandments, carefully passed down through every generation, you personally want to follow based on your gut feeling, can’t be shamed?

                No, that is not what I said.

                Why should the ones who choose to deny parts of their religion be seen as representative of it over those who’ve chosen to uphold them?

                I definitely answered this in my original comment.

          37 months ago

          It’s in the religion’s text. “Judaism” is complicated as it can either mean religion, culture or ethnicity/race, but they said “religion teaches”, so we can assume that they’re referring to the practicing religious category.

      167 months ago

      Don’t forget a good chunk of those Israelis are also American.

      We’re not sending our best.

      • Mammal
        157 months ago

        As best I can tell, the most racist zionists are usually American-born Israelis.

      107 months ago

      This is quite disturbing, thank you for sharing. I forget that the localised cultural medias on both sides is likely the greater measure of reality but not within most people’s awareness.

  • Annoyed_🦀 A
    857 months ago

    If a Palestinian said that, they will be immediately branded a terrorist AND get called an Antisemite™ and zionist then walk the street crying about how tough their life are and they just wanna exists.

      7 months ago

      And in all honesty Palestinian people actually have a reason to hate Israel/Zionest. I’m not excusing any violence by anyone, but for example if you asked a Jewish Polish person during the holocaust if they hated Germany/Nazies, no one wouldn take their response as a reason to continue the holocaust. Ask any person who’s demographic is being ethnicly cleansed what they think about their oppressors, and you’ll always get the same response.

      We know how this ends when the world (mainly the USA) turns a blind eye. Time after time, the world has shown to be deeply blind to genicide against brown people. If the roles were reversed we would have stopped the killing/war already.

      Edit: Grammar

        • burgersc12
          97 months ago

          Turning a blind eye while providing weapons. Sounds about right for the US

      • Annoyed_🦀 A
        197 months ago

        Exactly, that’s the reason the world brand them as terrorist and treat them as such, human being lower than the others. Does the same happened to Israel though?

      • d00phy
        167 months ago

        What about-ism doesn’t make it right for either side. The point is most western countries refuse to publicly call out this kind of racism when it comes from Israel for fear of being painted as antisemitic. Conversely, it’s easy for those same countries to ignore genocide in Gaza and the West Bank, and highlight atrocities committed by Hamas as terrorism.

        117 months ago

        Are you saying the oppressed have no right to have negative thoughts and beliefs towards their oppressors? Really the whole of none wester and none northern would like a word with you. Let me ask you something. Would a Jewish person that lived in occupied Poland during the holocaust be chastised for hating German Nazies? Like I’m not excusing violence of any kind but why are the Palestinians being held to a higher standard than the ones with all the power to do mass harm to innocent people? October 7th was a inhumane tragedy! But an October 7th worth of pain, death and tragedy happens to Palestinians over the course of a few months even before Oct 7th. Where is your condemnation of the Zionest people doing those horrific actions? Like wtf. I feel like we are living in Bizarro world!

      -197 months ago

      Are you saying there are none to very few Palestinians who publicly push the idea of killing all Israelis?

      • Annoyed_🦀 A
        207 months ago

        Did i? Or am i saying the reaction to both group is not equal?

          -127 months ago

          Nope, just wanted to make sure… The reaction should be the same for both if they call for a literal genocide of the other sides people. Regardless of the side, it’s the opinion of terrorist subhumans.

            217 months ago

            Wishing for the death of the side that’s actively ethnically cleansing your side is definitely not the same as wishing for the death of all of the people you are ethnically cleansing.

        7 months ago

        Are you saying the oppressed have no right to have negative thoughts and beliefs towards their oppressors? Really the whole of none wester and none northern would like a word with you. Let me ask you something. Would a Jewish person that lived in occupied Poland during the holocaust be chastised for hating German Nazies? Like I’m not excusing violence of any kind but why are the Palestinians being held to a higher standard than the ones with all the power to do mass harm to innocent people? October 7th was a inhumane tragedy! But an October 7th worth of pain, death and tragedy happens to Palestinians over the course of a few months even before Oct 7th. Where is your condemnation of the Zionest people doing those horrific actions? Like wtf. I feel like we are living in Bizarro world!

    357 months ago

    They are just saying the quiet part out loud. This is what zionest and the Christian right want. But there is no magical button to make 5 million people go away. So it’s bombs and starvation as their buttons to push. How many times do they have to tell us why they are doing obviously genicidal acts before we do something?

        117 months ago

        They’re already letting a polio outbreak happen.

        Polio. That disease most of the world got rid of through modern hygine and vaccines. They’ve bombed them back to the 1500’s. It’s disgusting.

    167 months ago

    wow, would you be ok to boil them and make soap as well? or make random medical experiments on them maybe?

  • Doubletwist
    167 months ago

    At this point I vote we forcibly remove EVERYBODY from the entirety of Israel and Palestine. If they can’t share it nicely, nobody should get to have it.

        7 months ago

        They said remove, not murder. Realistically it would never work without creating huge problems for all involved, but I’m sure they were mostly joking.

        Like " no body gets to play with the ball if you can’t share nicely" … not, murder the kids.

        Edit: this is about clarifying someone’s word, not my view… You can’t just move everyone lol