• rand_alpha19
        3412 hours ago

        The Canadian Future Party (CFP; French: Parti avenir canadien, PAC) is a minor federal political party in Canada that was officially launched in 2024. It describes itself as being politically centrist, campaigning on a fiscally conservative and socially liberal platform.

        That made me audibly groan, along with this:

        • Allowing the private sector to take a larger role in society with government oversight
        • Simplifying the tax code to close loopholes in cooperation with the provinces and territories
        • Ending corporate subsidies and supply management where a return on investment cannot be delivered

        I’m happy to be proven wrong, but this seems like a recipe for laissez-faire capitalism that will eventually end in a collective shrug, a few golden parachutes, and a recession. Canada does not need more centrism.

        • nifty
          86 hours ago

          Their platform made me roll my eyes a bit, the only fiscal conservative that makes sense is when you tax billionaires out of existence. Fiscal conservatism that taxes the poor and doesn’t give them benefits is more neocon bullshit

        • Sibbo
          3011 hours ago


          Allowing the private sector to take a larger role in society with government oversight

          Privatise profits, socialise losses

          Simplifying the tax code to close loopholes in cooperation with the provinces and territories

          Lower overall taxes, austerity

          Ending corporate subsidies and supply management where a return on investment cannot be delivered

          End climate-protecting subsidies

            • Sibbo
              22 hours ago

              Right, and I also forgot privatising things like water and then let them shut off water for poor people who cannot pay like in Chile.

      • No point fighting. Just remember its the same people that don’t understand a scholarship only for “people of color” is by definition racist. If a “white people” only scholarship is racist so is the one for people of color.

    • @falcunculus@jlai.lu
      1812 hours ago

      According to MK, he was written to be gay, but higher-ups had him make his relationship with Huna ambiguous.

      • @Kyrgizion@lemmy.world
        12 hours ago

        Huna dies at the hands of the Ayleids

        Pelinal goes on what is arguably the greatest slaughter ever perpetrated by one single being in the full history of the gd universe, culminating in not just the overthrow but freaking extinction of the Ayleid race

        “They were just good friends”

  • Annoyed_🦀 A
    2113 hours ago

    Isn’t all Daedric Prince genderless? They just assume the form they like, some are just a pile of tentacle.

    • Dae
      2013 hours ago

      In a literal sense, yes. But they present themselves as male or female usually. So it’s still appropriate to refer to Boethia as “genderfluid” because they send to switch it up.

      • Skua
        1013 hours ago

        I guess that makes most of them gendered but sexless? I mean, sexless in a biological sense, particularly given that they’re not biological beings, but it’s also funny to imply that Vaermina simply never gets laid

        • Dae
          99 hours ago

          They’re literally all-powerful gods that reign over their own worlds that are quite possibly the same size as, if not bigger than Nirn. They don’t play by our rules. I don’t think we can apply our conventions of sex and biology to them lol.

          As I said: they can be whatever the fuck they want.

          • @redhorsejacket@lemmy.world
            37 hours ago

            Hey, that’s funny, that’s verbatim what I say about trans folks too!

            Well, at least the last bit, although I’m not ruling out the former on a case by case basis.

  • Snot Flickerman
    1113 hours ago

    Let’s hear it for badly written caricatures of racists that are so over-the-top that they allow real racists to say to themselves “I’m not actually a racist, because I’m not extreme as this flimsy caricature of a racist, which is what racists are really like.”

    I hate the idea that we have to write more well-developed racists just to get racists to recognize that they’re, you know, fucking racist, but god damn it, it needs to happen. Skryim is just one of many offenders, video games alone are just one of many offenders as well. Really its the whole US media landscape that has nothing but flimsy, weak caricatures of racists. I personally think these weak caricatures are part and parcel to why it’s hard to get racists to have self-reflection because we’re not actually doing the hard work of writing realistic racist characters who don’t start so extreme. Becoming a virulently violent racist takes time and doesn’t happen overnight, and those events that lead to it fall under the umbrella of what’s often called “character development.”

    /end unrelated rant

    • Zoidsberg
      87 hours ago

      Worth noting that whenever the subject comes up, people will defend the Stormcloaks, praising Ulfric’s fight for the province’s right to self-govern and-


    • Mossy Feathers (They/Them)
      4414 hours ago

      Sounds like you gotta brush up on your elder scrolls lore my dude. You completely missed the joke that TES was always “woke”.

        • Mossy Feathers (They/Them)
          13 hours ago

          Dude, you gotta check out elder scrolls lore, it’s fucking wild. The world runs on clockwork, vivec gave molag bal sloppy toppy while his toppy was sloppy (he was headless), the lizards lick trees to become argonians which are wifi-enabled (the Hist trees can remotely control argonians, which meant shit got real during the Oblivion Crisis and Mehrunes Dagon, a fucking daedric prince pissed himself in fear when he tried to invade the Black Marsh), there are like, 72 1/2 forms of khajiit, it’s heavily suggested that the elder scrolls is a post-apocalyptic fantasy game…

          Also, every race in the elder scrolls has had a space program. The khajiit space program was literally just them standing on each other’s shoulders to reach space.

          Oh yeah. And the dragon breaks. When time and space just kinda fuck up and every possible outcome happens at the same time before settling onto a single thread (in-universe explanation for why there’s one canon ending to each game despite players being able to get other endings; each game takes place during a dragon break).

          • @MirthfulAlembic@lemmy.world
            49 hours ago

            Also, every race in the elder scrolls has had a space program. The khajiit space program was literally just them standing on each other’s shoulders to reach space.

            Are there any pictures of this? I can’t stop laughing at the image in my head. This is phenomenal world building.

            • Mossy Feathers (They/Them)
              57 hours ago

              Sadly, afaik, there are no official images of it. As Skua noted, it’s not exactly canon, but to my knowledge there isn’t actually anything that contradicts it. As such, I think most lore nerds take it as fact. Also because, as Skua said, it’s way more interesting for the Khajiit to have had a space program where they stood on each other’s shoulders than not.

              Also, Bethesda has severely neglected the Argonians and Khajiit, so people take whatever Argonian or Khajiit lore they can get. I think they’re “too furry” for Bethesda or something.

              Admittedly, a Black Marsh TES would be difficult to do without it being an Argonian-only spin-off because, iirc, Argonians violently eject anyone trying to enter the marsh.

              Meanwhile, a game set in Elsweyr would require a lot of effort due to all the different skeletons and character models they’d have to create. They’d probably double or triple the number of character models simply due to all the different forms of Khajiit (there are 17 forms, ranging from having the appearance of a basic house cat to being almost identical to Mer (elves) or Men (Redguard, imperial, etc)), with significantly more work if they tried to make them all playable with full armor sets.

            • Skua
              59 hours ago

              There might be fan art, but I doubt there’s anything official. Besides how little attention anything Elsweyr generally gets (even the first ESO expansion into Elsweyr mostly had the khajiit as secondary characters), it originated in an unofficial source. Michael Kirkbride (a lead writer for Morrowind and several other important bits of Elder Scrolls stuff) wrote The Pocket Guide to the Empire, 2nd Edition with the input of community members. The Pocket Guide 1st edition came with the manual of Redguard, and the 3rd edition came with Oblivion. The 3rd edition contains a few references to the 2nd edition, which at the time had not actually been written, so Kirkbride decided to fill the gap. The relevant section, with explanatory notes from me that you can ignore if you know that stuff already, is:

              So Mane ^1 saw that Khajiit was fighting itself more than usual and donned the hairs of his many littermates and his clan and his guards until he could bear no more and then palanquin-raced throughout the lands to repeat these words: “Woah-ho now, mad cat. You fight and fight but if you will give Mane just one moment, he will show something far better, for the Mane has had many hours and fine sugar to think this over. Come now, Palatiit ^2 ; come now, Ne Quiniit ^3 . Together, just this once, Khajiit will stand tall as Alkosh ^4 , cat upon cat upon cat. And in doing so, it will climb to the moon as it has been told so many times.”

              Khajiit saw reason in these words and so it climbed and climbed, cat upon cat, for a hundred days. Much sugar ^5 was brought there to support the climbers and in the end Khajiit climbed high, so very high that it was in fact closer to Jo’Segunda ^6 than to Nirni ^7 below. At that moment, little Alfiq ^8 fell upwards and from there on Khajiit helped Khajiit up, which was down, until all were gathered there. This is where Khajiit intends to stay from now on, for who could know strife when walking sugar and not sand?

              1 - The Mane is the religious leader of the khajiit 2 - Pa’alatiin, or Pellitine, is the southern half of Elsweyr. Elsweyr is the region that the khajiit are from, and had only recently been united when the 2nd edition was written in-universe 3 - Ne Quin’al or Anequine is the northern half of Elsweyr 4 - Alkosh is the khajiiti interpretation or version of the god of time and top god of most pantheons, generally known as Akatosh to the empire and therefore in most game material 5 - Moon sugar is a narcotic with great religious significance in khajiiti society. If you’ve come across skooma in the games, it is the heroin to moon sugar’s opium 6 - Jo’Segunda, or Secunda, is one of the two moons 7 - Nirni, or Nirn, is the planet that Tamriel and the games are set on 8 - An alfiq is a type of khajiit that physically resembles a housecat but which is every bit as sapient as any other khajiit. You can actually meet several in ESO, but sadly cannot play as one. The Legends card “Frazzled Alfiq” is probably my all time favourite piece of official Elder Scrolls art

              Anyway Kirkbride’s unofficial stuff is not “canon”, for whatever that’s worth, but due to his significance to the setting and the fact that his writing is usually interesting, people often accept it as such. The story does not end there, though! The developers of ESO have a series called Loremaster’s Archive, which is an in-character lore Q&A series. In “Moon Bishop Hunal Answers Your Questions”, someone asked about the “cat upon cat” story.

              “Our scribes are currently working on the transcription of the ‘Ri’datta-ssabavezi.’ In this story, your people are climbing ‘cat upon cat’ and finally reach Jone, where they founded something called ‘Lleswer.’ But we failed to understand the meaning of this. Some at the Guild suggest it has to be taken literally, but it seems impossible. Am I right?” – Iszara the Restless, Singer of the Scenarist Guild

              Moon Bishop Hunal says, “It is the nature of myth to be true and yet at the same time mere allegory. Are you ‘right’? In this context, the question is without meaning. But do not be offended, hairless one. Many stories are puzzles with more than one solution.”

              So, canon? Maybe, maybe not. But it got a nod, and people like it.

          • Skua
            713 hours ago

            it’s heavily suggested that the elder scrolls is a post-apocalyptic fantasy game

            I distinctly recall a conversation I had on reddit in which I irritated several Fallout fans by insisting that the Elder Scrolls is simply Europe in the world of Fallout and that the Chinese stealth suits were 100% chameleon enchanted gear from TES IV

            • rockerface 🇺🇦
              29 hours ago

              If you want more post-apocalyptic fantasy, Mistborn and Stormlight Archive book series both technically fit

    • @Wrufieotnak@feddit.org
      2013 hours ago

      No they didn’t?

      If I’m not getting whooshed from you playing the act:

      The joke is that everything in the meme is already in the established TES canon. But capital G Gamers™ (which I hate that those assholes made that word negative), being media illiterate and being “anti woke”, often don’t see what their loved games contain, even if they complain about those things.