According to Chai, a fateful drive down a windy highway that year brought him to the idea. While driving, he had passed the corpse of a stray dog laying along the road. It wasn’t the first stray he saw that year, but the conditions of that stray’s death struck him with overwhelming clarity.

“Somehow, relating to the stray dog ignited a sense of identity in me. I, too, had to fend for myself and learn never to rely on others,” – Kenji Chai, Creator of Chaigo

Being from a turbulent family, Chai felt he never truly belonged anywhere, just like a stray. Unlike the stray however, he believed he could decide the course of his life through hard work. Inspired by the life of strays, the Chaigo alias was finally given life.

  • just another rakyat
    21 year ago

    Inspiring work! Never knew that the Nando’s mural, the Red hotel mural, and the roadside dog graffiti are all created by the same artist.

    • @weeciousOP
      21 year ago

      Kan? And Chaigo is a clever pun, since Hokkiens refer to strays/mutt as chai kau.

  • Annoyed_🦀 🏅A
    1 year ago

    I’ve never seen one in my life until i set foot in Sabah, that thing is everywhere. Then i realised it’s supposed to also be a caricature of Sabah, which is also looks like a dog head. It’s really a clever design through and through

  • @cendawanita
    11 year ago

    Love this! (In the meantime thinking on how Lemmy federates this… Nvm I bring it up on the meta thread)