My wife and I like to adopt exotic, high-maintenance cats from people who didn’t know what they were getting into and get overwhelmed. We’ve stuck to Bengals and Savannah Cats until now, but we’ve always wanted a Sphynx, and we found one. His owner didn’t really realize how much care that breed needs, and didn’t have the capacity to do it, so we took him. His name is Kevin and he looks like a tiny raw turkey. The other cats already love him.
They’re wonderful little goblins. Very snuggling.
My buddy would use a single drop of dawn dish soap to wash excess oil off them. Usually once a week, or as needed.
I’m curious about what kids and of special cares do these cats require?
Also what a magnificent creature !
They need a bath with shampoo every week, and need their ears, paws, eyes, and skin folds cleaned every other day or so. They’re also chilly, so they need clothes, but if you don’t manage the clothes well they’ll get acne. He’s a huge sweetheart and rides around on my shoulder. I’m making bread right now with him perched there.
AFAIK the big one is that their skin can get oily and needs to be gently washed with an appropriate soap once a week or so. My buddy who had one used a single drop of dish soap. They can also get chilly in winter if it’s a cold climate, so little cat sweaters can help.
I know they need help cleaning themselves, dirt and litter and whatnot can build up around their toes and claws and their ears get dirty.
incredible that someone managed to fuck up the basic life skills of a cat by breeding…
so cute. post your other rare kitties pls
Bengal and Bengal/Savannah mix. Silver is Grizzwald and orange is Babou.
i love them, thank you
The bingus!!!
Why doesn’t he just grow hair? Is he stupid? Is there a lore reason for it? Male pattern baldness?
Apparently it’s a mutation in one of the genes that codes for a protein that helps hair follicles actually have some strength. So he does grow hair, but it just falls out immediately. He is also kind of stupid and keeps running into walls, but I’m chalking that up to general kittenhood.
Male pattern baldness car
We desperately need a /c/wunkus
Sphinx cats are so cool. I think they are really beautiful animals.
Naked kitty :O
I assume that the clothing you put on him in this photo is so that he doesn’t get cold?
It’s to cover his shame, of course
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Yep. We live in the mountains and it’s cold this time of year. He gets shivers without his shirt, especially because he’s not even a pound yet. Also he’s got big nude balls.
he’s not even a pound yet
Such a small kitty? How old is he?
About 13 weeks. He’s a really little guy.
what sort of maintenance? I heard theres a lot of showering and cleaning of ears involved
Skin care especially. They’re the only cat breed that gets acne.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa they are so cute!!! A couple had one out in a little carry ruck sack in summer and everyone around was flocking to quietly say hello and give the sphinx a little pet.
Wrinkly little potato boys 🥰
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It feels like rubbing a shaved scrotum, otherwise much the same.
It’s not quite like bare human skin. More velvety. He has a very fine peach fuzz.
It’s like petting a little Yoda
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my man looks like james carville
He’s a significantly better political thinker though.
Very precious little kitten! I love him
HELL yeah I love sphynxies
Sent from Mdewakanton Dakota lands / Sept. 29 1837
Treaty with the Sioux of September 29th, 1837
“We Will Talk of Nothing Else”: Dakota Interpretations of the Treaty of 1837
Sphynx cat?! I love them