A fucking McDonald’s employee? How cucked can you be to work at McDonald’s and call the police on this hero?
Real class traitor shit
It honestly makes a lot of sense if you think about it. Someone working at McDonalds could absolutely have their lives changed in a serious material way by the reward money being offered by the authorities here. It’s awful but America has done an absolutely incredible job at separating out workers into individual units that are meant to fight each other for scraps rather than allowing them to organize into coherent worker groups with class solidarity. This is exactly the kind of thing America was built to do and has decades of propaganda encouraging this sort of behavior so it shouldn’t be surprising.
Everybody snitches. You have to treat it like everyone else that you ever did anything with is snitching.
Never forget folks, it’s not personal, you gotta just live your life like they’re gonna snitch.
It’s so embarrassing, if I knew that person I’d bully them.
But have you noticed a Mc D is usually a detached building?
And that there would be no collatoral dammage in case of a tragic accident such as a fire.the deep fryer hungers for ice. would you let it suffer in hungry silence?
Brother, may I have some ice?
huh, what an interesting fact
“an elderly patron”
after a McDonald’s employee thought he resembled the man in New York Police Department photos and called police, officials said.
Where do you see an elder patron? I don’t see it in this article.
Indeed, CNN says ‘Mc D employee’.
Either they updated the article or it was from another article.
This is why we’ll never have anything good.
Because of snitch ass motherfuckers like this Mickey D’s cuck.
there’s no way that this maccas physically makes it through the next 48 hours
fwiw people on libsky are saying it might not be him since it doesn’t make sense for him to still have the weapon 5 days after the shooting, which I kind of agree with (though he may have been holding onto it to get rid of it in a more secure way)
First of all I don’t buy this is our guy at all. But second, what exactly is to stop someone from going out into any random roadside brush in the boonies and burying their CEO-blaster there?
Idk the dude has a pretty unique face, strong features that seem to match imo.
He was in NYC. Toss it in the Hudson like everyone else.
It could also be that our streetwise Hercules is just a dumbass
He could also just be an idiot. And if this is him, he is
The 26-year-old was picked up at a McDonald’s in Altoona after an employee thought he looked like the man in New York Police Department photos and called police
Hope the snitch gets what’s coming to them
Of fucking course it’s in Altoona
The man also had a two-page document railing against the health care industry and suggesting violence is the answer, a police official who has seen the document told CNN.
Chat, we might get a manifesto
Why would you even flee if you were going to carry a manifesto that is basically a confession around for a week. Lends credence to the framed by cops theory tbh.
why would he be carrying the same goddamn fake ID he checked into the hostel with
that should’ve been burned as soon as he was in a private place
Probably because all this is planted / fabricated. They were getting embarrassed about not catching anybody for a week, and found a patsy.
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Yeah this section stuck out to me.
What do you mean exactly, police, that he “had a document”?
Like he had it written out in paper form and was carrying it around with him? Like he wrote it online and published it? Like it is saved on his desktop? If it’s the latter, how did you find it?
Either the pigs are lying or the suspect isn’t nearly as bright as we all thought. Because wtf
Or he wanted to be caught and was getting annoyed with the police ineptitude
Yeah, sounds like bullshit.
First Starbucks and now McDonald’s. If only he’d been BDSing…
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Sounds incredibly convenient tbh
I can believe they’d pick a guy who looks close enough and plant a suppressor and a fake ID, but you’d figure the plan would involve killing him in the process
I’m not putting anything past the ruling class, they are increasingly desperate
if he dies before having a chance to make public statements, then maybe this really is a setup and the manifesto may be invented as well to recover control of the narrative
the really interesting thing to me is the handwritten note. does the handwriting match? seems relatively conclusive to test, even if he dies first. also, the fact that it wasn’t the NYPD that arrested him
match what, the engraving on the rounds/casings?oh, his previous samples of handwriting. sorry I’m not very bright
There is like no chance this is the dude who did it. They just have to pin it on someone to try to prevent cool shit like this from continuing to happen.
The weapon is a ghost gun – an untraceable, homemade weapon – another law enforcement source told CNN.
truthers vindicated???
Damn, you beat me to exactly the comment I was gonna make by 10 minutes
Ghost of Kyiv
Ghost [gun] of Midtown
I mean, let’s be honest, it’s Western Pennsylvania
I’m honestly surprised there aren’t more people being arrested with fake ID’s and suppressors on hand
I know greyhound is a fuck but I thought he’d be a little farther away after 5 days than Pennsylvania
That too
Hard to believe he prepared for everything and only made it a couple hundred miles away
new ultramarathon will drop soon because of this
Cross-country death race, only rule is you can’t drive yourself
Laz is now paying close attention
“got from manhattan to altoona in 5 days huh? bet i could beat that running on the AT…”
5 days, starts in central Park and goes West. You need to find shell casings that have hints for where the finish line is and what city it’s in.
That’s if it’s him.
true. I’m just thinking that it’s possible that he wasn’t as on top of things as his initial escape led us to believe. hard to say quite yet, but this is some incredible foolishness right now.
dark horse third option: someone was just like “ok call the tip in bro, let’s waste their time for another couple days until they figure out that I framed myself” lol. Probably not tho.
omg that would be incredible direct action
sympathetic third party actor gets released from jail on Friday, obtains a bunch of stuff to incriminate himself, then gets himself arrested. it takes cops two days to figure out that he was in jail during the murder and our sympathetic actor walks
jail is just a substitute plot device here for any incontrovertible alibi that you are certain can get you off
They claim the guy took a greyhound into the city so unless his alibi was in NYC, it’s probably not that
He’s a fucking musk-worshipping transphobe?
Never meet your heroes
Genuinely curious where you found that - i’ve popped open half a dozen articles about that guy and none have mentioned either detail.
His twitter is full of it
Damn, didn’t see that. Thanks.
This is one of the main reasons I didn’t want to see him caught. He was more valuable as a symbol.
L. probably wanted to Adjust somebody else , otherwise why not ditch the IDs, gun and suppressor as soon as was convenient. dude got greedy, shoulda taken a flight abroad and chilled at least for a while
UNLESS this is made up by the pigs which is very possible
Death to America
All this about how terrible Mangione’s politics are is exactly WHY they wanted to catch him. It’s not about punishing that guy. It’s about giving a face to a upswell of class solidarity with the hope of alienating people.
The more we focus on the perp, the less we focus on the deed and the good it did, the more the working class falls into bickering about what kind of person he was.
I don’t care about the guy. I wanna know about the snitch. They know which McDonald’s it was. Who snitched?
Exactly, the ruling class wants to keep the rest of us divided
Yea I’m not too worried about how the guy labels himself he wrote a review of the unabombers manifesto and talked about how peaceful protest will always be ignored and violence against billionaires was self defense for what they were doing to us and the planet.
We see this kind of violence as political, we understand healthcare to be political. He likely doesn’t/didn’t see his bad political takes on twitter as related to killing that guy in any way.
Man being questioned is identified as 26-year-old Luigi Mangione published at 11:43
The man being questioned by police in the killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson has been identified as 26-year-old Luigi Mangione, police city commissioner of New York City, Jessica Tisch says.
Mangione was reportedly found with an ID that had his name on it, along with a fake ID. He was detained at a McDonald’s on Monday morning in Altoona, Pennsylvania.
He has not been charged in connection with the shooting.
This seems to be his twitter: https://xcancel.com/pepmangione
The smile definitely looks the same. I’ve been googling the guy and he was valedictorian of his high school class. No visible ideological leaning from the twitter account which has a history going back to 2022.
I see that he has a spinal fusion located on his lumbar back on his twitter account banner. Yeah, going through that in your teens or 20s will make you hate the healthcare insurance industry… Don’t ask how I know that. Or do actually, I’m prepared to talk about such.
This is the kind of environmental storytelling indie devs put in a game specifically made for a Jacob Geller essay.
same. but the the institution that did it to me (or stopped me from getting emergency care after i fractured it) made me into the person i am today and not a fascist
I, and I cannot stress this enough, can fix him.
All that time fighting with Breloom influenced him to do a Technician-boosted Mach Punch in real life.
His goodreads where he’s flagged Atlas Shrugged as “want to read” and shares his opinions about
a reminder to cover your tracks online folks, especially if they’re cringe
no, when there’s a national manhunt after me, i want them to find my find my hexbear account and think “damn this girl funny and has good takes and posts a good hamster”
if you do adventurism we disavow
but if you do
but IF you do…
we disavow and you’re not a real poster on hexbear, just a lurker.
so don’t do it. But if you do…
we disavow
thank you ChestRockwell for this amazing emoji rendering of TrueAnon Ep 406
if i ever get busted for something i deliberately want people to see my goodreads reviews of trashy fantasy and ultra-smut
Looks like his account was changed to private
no ideological leaning but someone who is skimming dark enlightenment transhuman/AI adjacent bullshit.
fuck he’s fash isn’t he fuck fuck
(maybe not. sorry im going through some things reading his twitter. dude is a mess. god americans wtf. it’s like some combo of dark enlightenment and
anti-capitalistwith a side of eco lib)Yeah, it looks like he is atleast not our kinda guy. Theres antifeminist shit and wanking about Rome in there. Fuck this shit, fuck this country.
The fact that even terminally online, right wing tech bros think the U.S. healthcare system is unethical speaks volumes.
can’t have nice things. crying about DEI. well at least the right has a new folk hero hope they enjoy
Luigi Mangione, go on Ben Shapiro.
He’s not explicitly tied to any ideology, just your average confused mid 20s American dude. That means lots of rightwing bullshit, it appears to just permiate the air over there.
It’s the only air over there. The “left” in the past decade has completely abandoned that space
He’s anti trans too, based on an April 5 retweet
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I picked up on the Futurology Guy stuff, the AI fetishism, and the light references to Malthusian overpopulation shit. He strikes me as a vaguely right-wing libertarian, but I didn’t see enough from that 5 minute glance at his twitter to really classify him or say how far into that pipeline he is.
fuck he’s fash isn’t he fuck fuck
I don’t think so but seems like he’s at least halfway there with all the chud bazinga elon shit he’s reposting.
Looks like this site has entered the box ticking phase of leftism to “claim” people
Extremely nauseating, childish and unproductive. Wait until you learn about what actual war entails! Sometimes it’s briefly siding with people you have ideological disagreements with against a common enemy
Yeah people do that a lot here. I remember people being disappointed in Greta because she said some lib shit a month after mentioning the word “imperialism” once. I don’t think people really get how much of an extreme minority their political position is.
Most people don’t really think about and deliberately form their ideology as much as we do here, they just absorb disparate ideas based on their life circumstances and what kind of propaganda they’re exposed to. Even if you can coax a leftist viewpoint out of most people here and there doesn’t mean they’re anywhere close to you ideologically.
Godamn echo chambers
it’s more just whiplash. i think if he was just a baseline activist lib or apolitical party guy or even just an actual libertarian live-and-let live guy it wouldn’t be as bad
nobody was expecting a marxist leninist or ancom.
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Nah this guy just has an extremely common hatred of healthcare CEOs which transcends political boundaries. Nothing from his Twitter screams leftist. Liking Atlas Shrugged and Ted Kaczynski is right-libertarian shit
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He retweeted some China fearmongering blog post, so probably not left leaning. Seems like typical computer science stem type
Also accusing Richard Dawkins of being woke or something:
Further down he’s retweeting anti-trans SWERF content
it doesn’t mean much that the smile looks the same, the snitch called specifically because he thought he looked the same. if anything it makes it less likely, because it was really unlikely for those smile pictures to be of the right guy, he wouldn’t have been walking around wearing the same outfit but slightly different the next day
also he’s posting about investment opportunities…?
i really get the feeling this was going to be a copycat with a different ideology
god i hope so. i mean there’s not one post about healthcare and nothing indicating this guy is anything but a full on capitalist bootlicker “free thinker” christian anti-DEI incel
kind of guy to do a mass shooting or “targeted” killings of women not this
part of my reasoning is he didn’t say the manifesto was specifically about the healthcare industry, but “some ill will toward corporate america”. that could mean a million different things, like it could be anti-DEI even. the shooter specifically linked back to a book that was specifically about the healthcare industry.
the DDD bullets really make me think someone with this guys background is unlikely. Also, if he was an anti-DEI guy, why would he kill an old white CEO?
yeah exactly. copycat for sure, or just framed.
Maybe he’s had a come to jesus moment in the past 6 months?
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yep it’s going to be woke CCP agents are destroying our pure American capitalism and healthcare industry and he killed the CEO because the AI he deployed sucked and dude thinks he could have written a better one or some shit
i really get the feeling this was going to be a copycat with a different ideology
I dunno, according to this article (https://www.axios.com/2024/12/09/luigi-mangione-unitedhealthcare-ceo-shooting-altoona) the fake ID they found on him was the same one used in the New York hotel they saw the shooter in.
It was extremely dumb to not get rid of the incriminating evidence.
we always said those pics were definitely not the shooter, right
Many people have been saying that, but you won’t hear from people like me who have been reserving conclusions.
the copycat idea fits a lot of inconsistencies here, but the resemblance is pretty strong. I don’t know what to think rn
It’s too strong a coincidence that the picture of the smiling suspect who everyone though was not the real killer also happens to be a copycat. Maybe the cops circulated that picture after finding a guy to pin this on but I dunno, just seems too elaborate for the NYPD.
The delay, deny, depose engravings don’t seem like they’d be written by someone with this dude’s ideology but
Maybe the tech bro who shot a CEO in broad daylight is just kind of a weird guy
well I’d imagine they immediately churned the image they had through every facial recognition program they could across their whole database of ID photographs etc, so finding a similar-looking patsy is not the biggest hurdle
🤓: “Hello fine day isn’t it officer?”
🐷: “Here hold this”
And then plant this guy in a western Pen McDonalds with a suppressor and multiple IDs?
You say that as if you think the pigs wouldn’t or couldn’t fabricate that evidence. Only thing I believe for certain at this point is they found him at McD’s in Altoona
This doesn’t necessarily strike me as a weird load out here in America. I am thinking there area few guys like that in every city. Just vibin
I think that picture went out too soon for it to be a situation where the detectives had already concluded the case was unsolvable and they need to go find a warm body to throw in prison to save face.
At least he has good taste in pokemon, breloom is pretty cool. Dudes got those worms in him for sure lmao
Fighting grass is a novel combo. Gen 3 really cooked honestly.
Gen 3 was GOATed
Seems to be him, based on brows, eyes, nose, and smile
Seems like he is at least familiar with Pennsylvania. Studied at UPenn in Philly.
First vaporeon, then typhlosion, then breloom. Which pokemon is next?
Two things: critical support, regardless of his viewpoints he did a cool thing. Second, maybe it’s good that it’s another chud adjacent guy so we don’t get targeted.
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Well, if extremist chuds keep doing stuff like this, I’m not going to get too bent out of shape. My default is to assume things will come back to bite us in the ass, but I’m a slut for schadenfreude.
Because right wing extremism usually benefits the owner class.
When push comes to becoming a human cheese grater, capital will protect itself.
All the leftist podcasters will be sleeping well tonight.
lol just gettin a McChicken while the most wanted man in the US
Dude why??
And why wouldn’t you drop the evidence into a fucking river within hours of leaving NYC?
This sucks
Treats Uber Alles
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In the same clothes lol
Rip to a real one.
I wonder if any American normies will stop to consider why this particular killing became a manhunt across half the nation within days, when similar crimes happen all across America every day without such efforts.
See also: the guy they name drop in the article who was on the run from terror charges for seven years for releasing animals from a fur farm.
Normies think that the police are actually like csi and law and order. So doubt it.