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Kenny Klipz has the goods. This is the real thing, most likely.
BTW it’s not behind paywall so do our guy some good and give him some traffic for the scoop.
damn it’s short. 262 words. definitely one of the reasons they are not posting it because anyone would read it and it isn’t as crazy or wild as I thought.
the guy is pissed, he identifies the problem, and what makes it intractable at this point. that is not something power wants spread around, because it’s easy to read and digest.
The dude might be brainwormed but he carried out an action of class war and his stated reasons are literally class war.
He’s our guy. I don’t care whether people found some history of him being suckered into right wing culture war bullshit. Yeah and? The entire working class is deliberately divided along those lines to prevent people from uniting behind this shit.
If you’re waging class war you’re on my fucking team, the rest of the shit can be sorted out. Hitlerites can fuck off because they’re not waging class war for the proles they’re waging it for the protection of the bourgeoisie. But this dude is not a Hitlerite.
100%, the class solidarity seen after what he did has momentum and it needs to keep going. that starts with looking passed whatever weird shit this dude thought about jacking off. he as far as i could tell, wasn’t a hateful or bigoted person or anything like that. i can look passed basically anything else.
Good post, though I think we should remain critical of his tactics. Mercin CEO’s might get people to recognize each other, but it’s never going to lead to systemic change that can only be achieved by organizing. I don’t want dead CEO’s, I want a different system that obviates them entirely.
I don’t want dead CEO’s
but it’s never going to lead to systemic change that can only be achieved by organizing
No matter how much you organize, you’re gonna have to off the CEOs at some point. They’re not gonna hand over the reins peacefully and they are actively fighting against all materially significant “organising”. Had Jeff Bezos been shot while Amazon was trying to crush unions, I am sure organising would become easier.
As an after effect, sure my Bureaucrats. I never said anything about nonviolence.
It’s not the the end we desire. I think the distinction between ends and means is useful here (even if it’s often stupid). Our goal is not to kill CEO’s, and as a counterfactual (that would probably never happen), a CEO willing to surrender their company/wealth to employees or liquidate their for-profit insurance should not be killed, since they would not stand between us and our real goal/end.
I wish to live in a just and righteous society and as such part of my goal is that certain people see justice. A CEO giving up their company makes them no longer a CEO and thus out of the discussion. I do not believe in turning the other cheek. I won’t say more because it’s gonna amount to fedposting and that’s bad.
As an after effect, sure my Bureaucrats. I never said anything about nonviolence.
You do not have to say the specific words to communicate their intent.
I think my posting makes it pretty clear I believe violence will be necessary in the ultimate transformation of society from the current mode of production to a more just one.
I just think that violence should be wielded strategically and by a mass movement, not by individual actors. I think even in a communistic state, violence should only be exercised in a collective fashion, never by an individual.
It is due to this commitment to violence exercised by many wills acting in concert that I reject the killing of individual CEO’s by assassins. Because violence (not mere murder) and the authority to wield it stems from collective will.
Anything else arguing the individual authorized to murder is simply Nietzschean ubermensch shit, and we should generally reject it. Self-defense presents edge cases, and one might argue there’s a kind of “self-defense” in this circumstance if one were so inclined, but an individual acting in self-defense won’t ever change the system, so I think a point still stands here.
Ok, but, you can’t deny the screaming voices of the proletariat right now in the wake of “the killing of individual CEO’s by assassins”. I mean, hell, we’ve got boomer white guys in Texas holding up DDD signs.
I think even in a communistic state, violence should only be exercised in a collective fashion, never by an individual.
I think in a communist society it should without a doubt be wielded in a collective fashion.
It is due to this commitment to violence exercised by many wills acting in concert that I reject the killing of individual CEO’s by assassins.
We don’t live in a time where many wills are able to act in concert, for many reasons. The individual liquidation of CEOs is a net benefit, propaganda of the deed and all that.
a CEO willing to surrender their company/wealth to employees or liquidate their for-profit insurance should not be killed
Those who would do this already have. Unless it’s at gunpoint. We do not have the capacity to demand it at gunpoint without being absolutely crushed at this point. There is no surrender option until leftist movements get much, MUCH stronger. Until then, there’s no point crying over the deaths of the people who are slaughtering us from the boardrooms. This was an act of community defense.
a CEO willing to surrender their company/wealth to employees or liquidate their for-profit insurance should not be killed
critical of his tactics
yea he should be in indonesia rn
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Among many other things.
he should have debated the CEO on reddit if he wanted to change hearts and minds. violence solves nothing. the CEO will live forever in our hearts.
but it’s never going to lead to systemic change
I think if it happened enough you’d get either gun control or healthcare. Assuming people are doing it with homemade weapons then it’d have to be a healthcare reform solution but I’d guess they’d try gun control first (then someone gets shot over it and they realise they can’t).
Not system change though, you’re correct there.
I was thinking about that too, and it’s fucking hilarious that now it’s a fully republican-led system and they’re faced with either doing gun control or doing healthcare
Oh yeah, we might get some reactionary (in the quite literal sense) legislation that might be “good” in certain respects.
However, we would likely not abolish the profit motive through CEO assassinations.
I sure hope they ban firearms. Dude was a stem student, if not a 3d printed glock it would have been a :the-doohickey:
To say otherwise, of course, would be illegal 🤐
I don’t want dead CEO’s, I want a different system that obviates them entirely.
Porque no los dos?
If the one happens during the course of the other, everyone can have a little treat.
Mercin CEO’s might get people to recognize each other, but it’s never going to lead to systemic change
Depends how many, to be fair. Of course it should be zero because murder is bad and wrong.
“On Violence.”
Yeah, I think murder is wrong. I think that there’s a better way. It’s called Violence.
he didn’t get systemic change, but if you asked me if i’d rather this CEO be dead or alive after what he’s done it’s not even a question, i want him dead just like he killed all those other people. him being gone alone is a good deed done. will it change anything? no. he’s gonna be replaced if he hasn’t already been. did he get what he deserved? we all agree he did, so that’s a good thing.
The tactic of (essentially?) turning himself in (if accurate, of course) was certainly pretty stupid and worth criticizing.
But propaganda of the deed is good. Dead CEOs is a way to move toward that different system. Cut away the pretense that this is not a violent system, or that the opposition to it cannot be violent.
Maybe if we just vote a little harder
Good post. He’s not the hero we wanted or even the one we deserved…but he is the one we have and he has my critical support. Its very different of course but in some ways I’m reminded of Julian Assange and the importance of not missing the forest for the trees.
I think things are going to polarize and start to sort themselves out. Look at how the hogs are responding to the right wing grifters - Ben Shapenis’ followers are turning on him.
Edit: please note, all of my recent predictions have been wrong.
He’s our guy. I don’t care whether people found some history of him being suckered into right wing culture war bullshit. Yeah and? The entire working class is deliberately divided along those lines to prevent people from uniting behind this shit.
Is he working class? I read his family owns nursing homes and radio stations.
(I haven’t been very online past week just getting stuff here n there might be wrong.)
And Engels was the son of a textile tycoon.
Pretty sure you were trying to respond to the post above mine.
damn it’s short
Well, yeah, the cops only had so much time to write it on the drive to the mcdonalds
262 words.
actually at the end he’s like “and thats why its actually really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really cool to kill ceos”
To the Feds, I’ll keep this short, because I do respect what you do for our country.
Suck off the prosecutor and FBI at the top. Really playing for that acquittal.
I hope that happens just for the full hilarity of it. Dude could just go on talk shows and joke about the time he was accused of killing a guy, possibly did it wink, and now he’s free
He’s able to write the New York Times best seller If I Shot that CEO.
Which will make it all the funnier when he kills again.
This still seems pretty not real. This is basically a note saying “I did it, it was me and only me and the proof is I own a computer (I work in engineering so you won’t find any “real” evidence). I did it because I hate United. Anyway I know nothing, have no message to send, and couldn’t possibly write more bye now”
Even if this really came from the police, if you wanted to convict somebody with very little effort, this would be the perfect evidence to “find”. That in reality makes no sense to actually write.
The only situation would be if luigi is also in on it lol the only thing he disputed was the 10k in cash and that his backpack was waterproof. Not a “Faraday cage” lol
I think people are making outrageous overestimations of how competent the NYPD is. The idea that they essentially hired some deep state actor to pretend to be the guy to cover their asses while branching the conspiracy outside of state lines and fooling another department is so ludicrous to me like if they were gonna do that they would at least wait another month or two in case they find the real guy.
I think this whole thing is fun but the grasping at straws is pretty wild to me like the eyebrow thing was already refuted perhaps we just want the guy to be our Lenin and we’re mad that he’s actually just a techbro weirdo?
Lots of magical thinking going on IMO but I would be very hyped if I’m wrong about this
I agree lol. Like if this was a setup then wtf does luigi get out of this, because he would clearly be in on it.
Ultimately he’s a weird guy who did a cool thing. I wish people wouldn’t focus so much on him and instead focus on the discourse and environment it created. I don’t really care what he thinks, people are rabid for this to happen. And that’s good. It’s pretty clear this is the guy who did it and that’s fine, on to the next one
propaganda of the deed?
Yup. Regardless of dude it has clearly done a good bit of work in letting people realize they can do things like openly advocate for a health insurance CEOs death. I doubt these people would have explicitly reprimanded someone for mentioning it before, but people just openly screaming about it now. A good environment!
deleted by creator
Regarding the “he only disputed the cash” bit:
My understanding is that this isn’t the murder trial, so none of the other items would have been brought up because they aren’t relevant to the hearing. The only thing this hearing was for is whether he should be held behind bars and for how long, and the cash was relevant to make that determination because it was being argued that the cash (and in particular the fact that part of it was foreign currency) indicates that he’s a flight risk and is trying to flee the country. That was being used as the basis for asking the judge to rule that he should be held without bail pending trial.
This wouldn’t be the time or place for disputing the facts of the case because there is no case at this moment. No trial has occurred, and this courtroom doesn’t even have jurisdiction to hold a trial for this case. The New York prosecutors office would need to make a request for extradition and he would need to be tried in a New York court.
So the fact that he only disputed the cash doesn’t necessarily mean he is admitting the rest belonged to him. It’s just as likely that the cash is the only thing that was disputed because it was the only thing that was presented as being relevant to make a decision regarding bail, and the other items weren’t commented on because they weren’t relevant to the matter being discussed.
If someone has more knowledge on everything that was presented in court and can comment further on the matter, feel free to correct me!
Good post and good information! Thank you
Did they mention what foreign currency?
I just saw CNN’s reporting on the hearing, and they only refer to it as foreign currency and didn’t give specifics.
I don’t know if other sources give more detail.
Probably monopoly money again.
that’s how i read it
To be clear: the only thing being reported on is that he disputed the 10k in cash and his backpack. I’m increasingly starting to think this isn’t a frame up job but afaik we have no idea what he said or did not say about the manifesto or the gun…or whether or not he was even questioned about those things in the first place.
I mostly agree with you, but on the other hand this reads like something I would write if I didn’t trust myself to properly intellectually represent my beliefs. Very “I’m a dummy but this was the right thing to do. Go read a book about it”
That part seems pretty fine, but the “yeah I did it, also feds are cool, also vague mention of vague evidence the public doesn’t know about so it’ll sound more real” is what makes the alarm bells ring
The spiral notebook, if present, has some straggling notes
that “if present” seems really unnatural, awkward, and the kind of thing a cop would say
I mean he is still alive and presumably going to stand trial.
If they Epstein him though I’d say he definitely didn’t do it.
Funny I’d believe he did it, if they were to epstein him
to the feds, i’ll keep this short, you guys are really cool. you all have really large penises and your wives aren’t cheating on you. you, the feds, aren’t the ones writing this manifesto, i am. i killed that guy and i am guilty. he was alive, i used a gun and shot him, and he is no longer alive. i did that with my hands. the same hands i am using to write this note. the note clarifying i am guilty.
Media is really out there posting this guy’s mug everywhere when it’s clearly a different guy in like every goddamn photo in the lead-up to the shooting. Man, fuck this world.
It’s a modern day Sacco and Vanzetti
Just grabbing the nearest Italian man and putting on him
Time is a flat circle.
Trump needs to bring back the fake news rhetoric
Been missing it fr
262 words describing an ideological outlook? Truly STEM graduate level writing.
Never have I heard a truer statement in my life. Most engineers I’ve known could sum up their ideologies in 14.
but also
fucking stemlords
He won’t reiterate the arguments against private health care because he’s afraid the stack overflow mods will remove it for being a duplicate.
this is a fed excercisse in creative writing…
how are you all falling for this shit ?
even prepares that they Dont have much evidence on his computer : “The spiral notebook, if present, has some straggling notes and To Do lists that illuminate the gist of it. My tech is pretty locked down because I work in engineering so probably not much info there”
if i where the Jury i would not be convinced . looks all to plannted … why does he suddenly wants to be caught ?
I mean, if it is, it’s at least “real” in the sense as the one that feds have had and are leaking to the media (versus the forgery ppl were talking about the past day or two).
Ken has good sources and is generally reliable, plus this echoes stuff that’s been said by the outlets selectively leaking bits.
If you want to assume it’s fed, that’s on you (i’m ambivalent if this is a patsy situation or not myself), but this is the “manifesto” in the sense of the thing that is alleged to have been on him. I trust Ken that far at least.
Edit : Sorry , did read it wrong
the Super escapist went , dressed with his murder cloths and with his murder Weapon, into the Mc donald, he also Wrote a Manifest that explainse the lack of evidence on his computer , and in which he thanked us the cops ,as Cops are Awsome! , for their valuable service to the community"
Yeah to clarify: I can totally buy it’s a fed fabrication, but even so, it is the “real” manifesto that we’re going to get. I’m not fully persuaded it’s a forgery or not - we could read the cop praise as typical american brainworms (one too many SVU’s) but it could also be
when somebody kills a royal price , the King will hang somebody on the Market square. And before he will make him “uninspiring”.
If you are "undecided " if this is real or fake , your actualy violating a basic prinicple of justice . the “Guilty” until proven innoncent … and you help therefore to frame him guilty and therefore allready half way where they want you.
Even if it’s a setup we should engage with what’s out there, rather than just yelling “wake up sheeple.” Especially because for many libs this will be persuasive, and we should use the “manifesto” and events such as they are to further our ends.
I’m not fully convinced he’s not a patsy, but until more evidence that he is a patsy arises, we need to engage the libs where they are rather than turn them off with “it’s all a setup don’t you see!” I get your skepticism comrade, but I also just don’t see the value in rejecting this outright - if it’s what’s going to be discussed as the shooter’s manifesto, we should reckon with it (even if we might harbor suspicions of fed meddling).
I’m not fully convinced he’s not a patsy
why would you say such a thing , why not have not more responsibility …
if he is : He clearly isnt
if he isnt : he clearly isnt as well and you help the State murder some random fuck to demonstrate its power … why not leave the “everything is entertaiment” sphere for a moment .
Your social duty is to scream from every ucking rooftop that he is a Patsy set up. Nothing else .
What if he makes definitive statements that yes it was him and he doesn’t regret it? Is he then an asset who did this on behalf of an alphabet org?
I also doubt the security footage looks anything like this guy, and I think its bizzarre as fuck that he had all the evidence on him still hundreds of miles and days away considering how effective the adjuster seemed to be on the day of the attack and those that followed, but like, if he starts saying it was him and shit I don’t have much of a reason to disbelieve
It could really be as simple as he planned to make a clean getaway but then realized he was famous and beloved and thought hey maybe I can say some stuff during my trial to make a bigger difference
I’m still sus about all this until further notice, but its by no means guaranteed
Most people actually are uninspiring. Most Americans do support the cops. It’s perfectly normal for someone to hate this particular CEO but lack the theory to see the larger class struggle.
You might be right but I think you’re not seeing the equal possibility that it is exactly as reported.
stop breaking the law with your “https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presumption_of_guilt”
saboteur …
“Also feds I actually think you’re super cool and I bet you all fuck a lot especially Jerry Smith, who is employed in the public relations department of the FBI he looks like he has a monster dong”
By the way this was not written by Jerry Smith I just think he’s a super cool guy and Lisa in accounting would be stupid for not going out with him.
I’ve been saying since yesterday that I don’t believe he’s the real shooter. This is all far too convenient lol and he looks fuck all like the guy(s) in the CCTV footage to me.
Is it just me or does the guy in this picture have a gap between his upper two front teeth?
Kind of hard to tell from the quality/angle, but he doesn’t have Luigi’s thick monobrow. The chin looks different to me as well.
Some of it could be angle, but yeah chin seems longer and as if it has a sharper cut. Nose seems more rounded too.
ThisCompared to
Lighting, angles, even picture fidelity can do a lot to change the structure of a face, not to mention lenses (look at your face on a phone cam compared to a camera with a lens that’s more than a micrometer away from the shutter) so though I agree the chin looks off… in almost all pictures, it’s not at all impossibe. The teeth seem different for me and no lens will make a tooth gap where there isn’t one, but that could also just be a shadow or a weird pixel. The eyebrows too. I’d love to see the whole security cam footage of him revealing his face in that hostel. Also his nose seems different.
not trying to argue whether this is/isn’t the dude, I’ve had questions about the eyebrows etc too, but
no lens will make a tooth gap where there isn’t one
I have unfortunate personal experience to the contrary. I do not have a gap between my front teeth irl, but I have an old driver’s license photo from my early 20s that makes it look like you could put two quarters between them.
it was so bad, I said I lost it and paid to do the whole process over again just to get a new picture done, I could not be taking that out to the bars with me 💀 but it was so funny that I kept it and genuinely enjoy showing it off. it’s ridiculous, idk how tf the lighting made that happen, but it did 🤷
if there were any way to post it without doxxing myself, I would, because it is genuinely that hilariously bad.
Wow that’s horrible, but also very funny. Now I know!
Need an in-custody picture of him smiling to really tell. And good luck getting one of those int the time period it would still be relevant.
The nose is definitely different imo. Even in the other picture of the hostel guy the nose doesn’t look exactly the same. Looking at the picture again the hostel guy seems to have much thicker eyelashes than Luigi.
Looks like the hostel guy has a strand of hair visible above his right eye as well? That would imply he has a different haircut to Luigi
That would be his eyebrow
His nose looks distinctively the same to me. It has a somewhat unique break about 2/3 from the top that is present in all photos. Plus if you look at the hair pattern of his eyebrows against his nose, I see it in the CCTV photo too.
I see the same eyebrow pattern too, but I see the nose in CCTV photo as rounded, whereas Luigi has a slight tilt/sharper angle, but it’s all just pixels and wishful thinking really. I’m not gonna look more at the italian thirst trap assassin himbo
And how do we know the guy in this picture is The Guy? Cuz he was wearing the same coat in the same block? There are around 1400 people per block in Manhattan what are the odds of 2 of them wearing the same coat?
Yeah and also how many jackets does this luigi guy own?
look at the comment sections. not even half defend his innoncent + “Yeah random dude had random comments , what do they mean ???” x-factor music
really dissapointed in this showning…
Yeah I’m genuinely shocked at just how many people seem to be going along with this, even on here.
To the Feds, I’ll keep this short, because I do respect what you do for our country.
if I hadn’t seen his Twitter already Id have a hard time believing you could get to the point of gunning down a CEO and still respect the feds
His family deaths and his own surgery give him a personal experience with the insurance issues that have probably driven this. I can see “the feds are good” and “I despise and want to kill health insurance CEOs” co-existing if you haven’t read other theory. The main principle of his radicalisation is his lived experience, not books, so he has all the brain worms but the material conditions have still driven him to this.
If he actually has any time behind bars (i.e. before he is Epsteined), I’d be shocked if he retains his respect for the pigs through it.
because the feds probably wrote it
Wouldn’t be the first time they fabricate evidence
So we know he was very much not a liberal (Jreg type of guy, every extreme at once) but it strikes me as a liberal thing to say. Checks and balances, maybe he likes that the feds track down corruption (lol)?
you’re not allowed to discuss this on reddit lol
https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1hbdezi/removed_by_reddit/removed at 1312 lol
stay losing.
I hope it gets the Streisand Effect
and still can’t buy Yahya Sinwar’s novel on Amazon (but you can sure find wrecker-printed editions of the communist manifesto with a nazi swastika on the cover)
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if real he cooked with this one “It is not an issue of awareness at this point, but clearly power games at play. Evidently I am the first to face it with such brutal honesty.”
All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind.
Not a manifesto, more a confession letter.
Not a diss, but I think especially with the words on the casings the act was enough of a manifesto.
I’m glad to see that fake one sucking off the constitution as the pinnacle of human rights was fake tho
“To the Feds, I’ll keep this short, because I do respect what you do for our country. To save you a lengthy investigation, I state plainly that I wasn’t working with anyone. This was fairly trivial: some elementary social engineering, basic CAD, a lot of patience. The spiral notebook, if present, has some straggling notes and To Do lists that illuminate the gist of it. My tech is pretty locked down because I work in engineering so probably not much info there. I do apologize for any strife of traumas but it had to be done. Frankly, these parasites simply had it coming. A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy. United is the [indecipherable] largest company in the US by market cap, behind only Apple, Google, Walmart. It has grown and grown, but as our life expectancy? No the reality is, these [indecipherable] have simply gotten too powerful, and they continue to abuse our country for immense profit because the American public has allwed them to get away with it. Obviously the problem is more complex, but I do not have space, and frankly I do not pretend to be the most qualified person to lay out the full argument. But many have illuminated the corruption and greed (e.g.: Rosenthal, Moore), decades ago and the problems simply remain. It is not an issue of awareness at this point, but clearly power games at play. Evidently I am the first to face it with such brutal honesty.”
New tagline
some elementary social engineering
I’m imagining him calling five or six midtown hotels pretending to want to make changes as Brian Thompson before he hit on one where the desk agent let slip that there was a reservation
EDIT: apparently the CEO was staying in a hotel “across the street”, so it may have been the first or second one he called. judging by the map there’s really just the Warwick and The Luxury Collection Hotel Manhattan Midtown that’s that close by
it seems a little strange to me, before getting caught, to write in a voice where you assume you are already caught instead of addressing the public
I read it as a “if you are reading this I am already dead” kinda vibe.
what is CAD here?
deleted by creator
3d files for glock frames are very easy to find. You don’t need CAD for this, unless he’s just trying to sound cool and savvy. He certainly didn’t design the gun.
Computer Aided Design. Probably for 3D printing the gun parts
Computer Aided Doohickey
TBH I wouldn’t be surprised if he like mapped out the area of the city in CAD to figure out where the target would be visible from, where he could hide the bicycle, and what his route to the park would look like, or some shit like that. It’s definitely not beyond the galaxy-brainedness of this kind of techbro (assuming it really was this guy, of course).
EDIT: NVM, I guess. I see the gun allegedly found on him at McDonald’s is claimed to be a 3D print.
Its software he used to print his gun probably
I wondered that too. Computer Aided Drafting or Design? Huh?
Oh, wait a second, it just clicked! He’s probably referring to using CAD for 3D printing the gun!
I’d guess this is reference to the gun? However, it’s possible there’s some other usage I’m unaware of? Is the acronym Computer Aided Design?
“manifesto” is kinda overselling it
That’s why they didn’t want to release it. It’s not a manifesto at all, its a note if anything.
He gave Ted’s one a 4/5 like he has critique and room for improvement, and then he comes out with this, a 3/5 at best
That’s generous
I’ve obtained a copy of suspected killer Luigi Mangione’s manifesto — the real one, not the forgery circulating online. Major media outlets are also in possession of the document but have refused to publish it and not even articulated a reason why. My queries to The New York Times, CNN and ABC to explain their rationale for withholding the manifesto, while gladly quoting from it selectively, have not been answered.
What rationale do the stenographers of power need other than they are owned and operated by the same parasites who own and operate UHC and the other mass murdering machines including the government?
as much as I applaud his disclosure here, Ken Klippenstein is still a liberal who thinks power functions the way it does in the final scene of Tommy Boy: the good guys show up and take away the bad guy
I personally don’t give a shit who the messenger is if the truth is delivered.
I’m only referring to his expectation that presenting the big media orgs with a glaring contradiction will result in anything except silence or deflection
Fair, though he has been the victim of those orgs directly - he left the intercept because their editorial policies were killing stories, so I think perhaps we can read him in a bit more charitable light on this point.
Dunking on Iran’s prez is still shitty, though to be fair, breaking the True Anon Rules For Life was the first mistake there.
you’re making a lot of good points
I get your disdain comrade. Media skepticism is always warranted, and I think I need to remember this with Ken’s FP reporting more - your reminders elsewhere in the thread are definitely useful.
Can’t wait for Ken’s followup, it’s gonna be juicy.