Why do they keep framing him as a father as if that should make us feel empathy?
Osama bin Laden was a father to 23 fucking kids.
The fucking asshoke fucked over and denied care to fucking children with cancer.
He also fucked over who knows how many other people, many of whom were also parents.
The all had family. And he fucked then all over without a single moment of regret.
His kids get to inherit his blood money. So fuck them too.
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Even Trump and Musk have kids - doesn’t make either one less of a dirt bag.
Is Musk still bringing his little human shield around with him?
I love that on SNL last night the mention of Luigi on Weekend Update was met with enough cheers that made Colin Jost have to stop and wait for the cheers to die down before telling his joke.
I’m not plugged into popular culture or any of that shit. So I’m a bit dumbfounded that this happened. That is very encouraging.
Yeah it is alarming.
Just not for the reason you think it is.
It’s alarming how surprised the oligarchs seem to be. Like they didn’t realize they were the baddies.
I expect many of them have spent their lives so immersed in capitalist indoctrination that they genuinely have no idea others view their activities as exploitation and a bad thing. To them, accumulating wealth through whatever means you can is just what you do. And they tend to think that anyone who doesn’t do this is just a bit stupid and hasn’t figured out what life is about. Don’t underestimate their narrow-minded blinkeredness.
Perhaps they have stopped thinking critically and believe that whatever is legal is ethical.
I’ll save them some time: The entire for-profit insurance, prison, and banking industries are unethical.
Nah it’s just weaponized “concern trolling” in an attempt to quell support. I’m sure the red coats used similar language when talking about people like George Washington back in the day too.
Oligarchs are, by definition, backstabbers. They don’t know solidarity amongst themselves
What’s alarming is people have been pushed to the point where they would consider Luigi’s actions justified.
A good start
Long overdue
Yeah, I’d rather people not have to get shot for the government to realize there’s a problem, but here we are. It got to the point where some dude went out and shot a rich guy. And now they finally notice? Doubt.
It’s all just theater.
Ya know what’s extremely alarming? Children dying of preventable causes because an insurance exec and their board want more profit. What’s not alarming? A CEO became another statistic.
ChildrenAnyone dying of preventable causesFTFY
Brian Thompson is a mass murderer. Luigi only killed one person therefore possibly saving many more lives. And they want us to think Luigi is the bad guy?
It’s upsetting to CEOs to know that we see them, the same way as they see us. Expendable. Very tragic, thoughts and prayers.
Oh look it’s scared! Yay! LA REVOLUTION!
Good. People have already been alarmed about the state of healthcare and gun violence for quite some time.
Are they going to do anything about it now or just sit there being “alarmed”?
Maybe another dozen police officers in the photo op “escorting” Luigi will calm things down.
The only thing that’s alarming is that congress hasn’t nationalized private healthcare companies in response to this.
These acts of defense will surely surely continue until their mass murder is put to an end.
I hope they have nightmares about guillotines
“Are we the baddies?” is for sure an extraordinarily alarming moment of clarity
Another out of touch gasbag. Take his pension like C suite jerks have taken other people and he would get it.
What’s surprising is how out of touch any of these people seem to be. Do they genuinely not understand that people are suffering?
Do they genuinely not understand that people are suffering?
We’re lucky if they understand other people exist.
Most of them fully understand and approve. The suffering is the point.
lol. lmao, even.